Chapter Twenty-Three

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

Chapter Twenty-Three: At Mount Weather


I spent two days in medical, keeping close watch over Bella. I didn't want to leave because I kept her calm. I also didn't want to leave due to my own crippling fears that someone might snatch her up. I was a fucking mess. I was a neurotic, anxious, angry mess.

"You need to eat, boss man," Emmett said, carrying a tray from the dining room.

"You're back," I smiled, getting up from spot next to Bella. "How was the journey?"

"Slow going," he answered. "Moving three hundred people? Not an easy task. But, we're here. I got Amun and Indra settled into a suite. Rose is acting as their liaison, giving them a tour of the facilities. I wanted to check on you."

"I'm ... I'm struggling," I answered honestly, sitting down, and eating the meal Emmett brought me. "How about you? Any news about Jacob? Aro?"

"Jacob is in detention, along Paul, Embry, Sam and Quil," Emmett said. "They're saying that they didn't do anything wrong. That we set them up to fail." Emmett rolled his eyes, sitting down on a stool. "They set themselves up to fail. They chose to stay at the Drop Ship. They could have come to the mountain with us."

"Well, hindsight is twenty-twenty," I deadpanned. "And, Aro?"

"He died from septic shock," Emmett answered. "Alec worked with Amun to try and save him, but he was too far gone. That's part of the reason why were delayed. We burned Aro's body on a funeral pyre."

"Fitting," I deadpanned. "His funeral pyre should have been the Exodus Ship. Maniacal asshole."

"I don't disagree with you," Emmett retorted flatly. "All of this heartache could have been avoided ..."

"Power makes you ... it corrupts you," I hissed. "Look at Charlie ... he was probably the most corrupt of all."

"Why do you say that?" Emmett asked.

"With Jacob and Aro, they were power-hungry monsters, stopping at nothing to stay in power. But, they didn't try to hide their power-hungry actions," I explained. "Charlie? He was willing to float his daughter in order to stay in power."

"No, he didn't. He sent her to the ground," Emmett argued.

"Renee, Dad, and I sent her to the ground. Charlie didn't want to be seen as weak, nor showing favoritism when Bella was caught giving medication to Angela and her baby," I said.

Emmett eyed me with uncertainty. "Bull shit ..."

"He told me when we were scoping out the campsite around the Drop Ship," I muttered, shooting a look at my slumbering girl. "He's ashamed of his choices, but the fact that he had zero qualms in floating Bella shows you how corrupt he really was. He was more concerned about how it looked and his approval rating than caring about his own child."

"Fuck me sideways," Emmett scowled. "That's fucking cold. And, he was doing all this on the sly?"

"Outwardly, he said it was optics, but he knew his approval rating was dropping," I explained. "So, power corrupts ..."

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