1.11 Information Uncovered

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[Harry and Cooper are shown in the cellar of Honeydukes]

The two slipped on the invisibility cloak and went upstairs into the main store. Neville was chatting with Luna and Ginny, a red lollipop in hand. When he went to lick it Harry took it out of his hands, so it looks like it's simply floating out the door.

"I knew it was you two!" Neville pointed his finger to the twins in disbelief. "You could have taken a different one! There was a whole candy store around you, but noooo. We have to take the guys lollipop."

Sirius looked confused for a minute. "Wait I though Ginny and Luna couldn't go since they're a year younger?"

"Alice showed us a way into the town" Ginny explained to him.

The twins left honeydukes to go find Ron and Hermione. Ginny started at the door, "They aren't very smart or sneaky are they?"

"Rude" Harry huffed. James rubbed the back of his neck. "She's not exactly wrong"
"Dad!" "James!" Lily smacked the back of his head.

"Not at all. Three Gallons they get caught in Hogsmead." Ginny bet against Neville as Luna placed a blue flower behind her ear. "Luna, love you darling, but you can't bet because you already know what's going to happen."

"How?" "What do they mean by that?"  "How would she already know?" Voices rang out from around the great hall making the author remember that other people are watching this too.

Regulus leaned closer to Alice and Bella. "Is she a seer?" He whispered to his daughter. "Partly"

"It's fine, I wasn't going to bet either way."


[screen shows Alice in the Library searching the shelves]

"Why is it so hard to find answers" she muttered under her breath. "You would think that a library would have your answers somewhere, but no." Then you could almost see the lightbulb appear over her head.

"You look like a small child" Neville told her from a distance away. Alice just held up a middle finger, not bothering to turn around.

"What I need most, that's it!" Then she hopped of one of the tall ladders and took off running toward the room of requirement.

"Alice you going to give me a heart attack." Regulus placed a hand against his heart. "Sorry dad but this isn't even worrying yet"

"What were you looking for?" Hermione asked the blonde. "Nothing that important"

She sprinted through the halls, trying to find the room before everyone came back from the town. Her heeled shoes clicked against the stone floors as she ran across the castle.

"How do you do it Star?" Bella fell against Alice's lap. "Do what Bella?" "Run in heels! It's so hard to do!" Narcissa exclaimed.

"I've been wearing heeled shoes since day one. And they have a platform so it's easier, also they aren't heels? Heeled shoes, not normal heels."

Cooper look confused at his girlfriend's whole conversation about heels.

She ran past one of her professors but didn't stop to tell them anything. It wasn't a minute in front of the door before it turned into a different one. Inside were books of all sizes and colors with a single chair by the fireplace. Her eyes looked over the whole room, "Well, better get started" She pulled a large book off the shelf and plopped down in the chair.

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