Calm before the storm

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Unlike before, when the occupants of the hall
thought they were going to be watching the fourth year, the hall had been pretty quiet. No one was running around with their mouths screaming gossip or assumptions, instead they were all wondering how someone as normal looking as Estella Alice Black could be hosting another realm within her mind. Well, those 'people' only made up three quarters of the space. The others were just chatting to one another, or sleeping, cough Remus and Sirius cough.

Cooper gazed at his girl, watching her look up at a part of herself with wide eyes. He knew that she had no intention of telling everyone here about the wonders and horrors that go on within her brain. But he also knew that despite all the problems and challenges, she wouldn't change it. Alice launched herself into Hatter's arms one last time, gripping his torso tightly. The red headed man grinned down at her, patting her head like she was a dog of some sort. Then, they pulled apart and Hatter basically dissolved from sight, his body being there one second and if someone blinked he was gone the next.

Alice sluggishly walked over the her boyfriend, tipping her head into his chest, sad that she lacked platforms or heels to be taller. He wrapped his arms around her, sucking in all the cold that her skin brought. The two were the same in some ways, and completely different in others. For example, both of them said they never liked school, and yet William constantly found them studying for hours at night. The two also have a shared passion of getting themselves into situations they shouldn't be in — her boyfriend being the one better at avoiding while she was worse at not being able to escape. Their biggest difference was their temperature: Alice being a cold blooded demon and Cooper always being warm at the minimum.

Across the hall, Narcissa cleared her throat a pointed up at the oversized television that had started to glow again.

"We should probably be getting a letter in a second then" Hermione concluded, awaiting the falling paper that seemed to like Alice best. Like they imagined, it fell into the blondes hands, luckily this time it didn't end up in ashes.

Dear Occupants,

The next movie is called The Triwizard Tournament, but a few edits of the movie will play on the screen to show you what is to come in this movie or future events.

As stated before, the future generation, also known as the future future generation for the past, would like to come watch with you all. At the moment they are on stand by and awaiting an answer. Personally I suggest not allowing them to come until at least the fifth movie.

Alice, you never gave a final answer and GR needs you like now. So, in approximately five minutes, after you watch the first edit, you will be transported to him because in his words, "I am too lazy to walk all the way up to the Earth, send the beast down here." And i dont question my brother, so please be ready to leave.

Magic Mayhem,
Mother Magic

Alice ignored the stares on her body, feeling deja vu from the many times before they had been given notes. She pulled Cooper on a couch never to his twin's third wheeling arse, letting her head rest against his chest to watch one edit that Mother Magic probably ended up making herself before the ground would swallow her whole.

I have no clue how to do this honestly, my brain just needed to put these out there but the clips don't actually exist so-
Also what ever is in music notes goes with the text below it not above- ask questions if needed

Soft background music played while the scene came in as the dorm room that looked like Alice and Sabrina's.

Sabrina rushed into the room, her eyes wide in panic. Her heeled shoes clicked on the floor and fear wavered in her voice. "Alice!" She knocked on the bathroom door, only hearing the quick breaths on the other side. Her hand began to hit the door more, not knowing how it just startled the girl on the other side even more. "Alice, open the door! Alice!"

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