Chapter Five

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"A game?"

"Yes, a game." He smiles. "Are you in?"

I don't have to think about it for too long. I'm interested in whatever he has to do. "Sure."

Gabriel nods delightfully. "I know you said you're trying to forget your problems, but you know how ranting helps ease the pressure you're feeling?" He doesn't wait for me to answer as he keeps speaking. "Well, I was thinking we should tell each other why exactly we came to this bar. After all, we're not gonna see each other again, are we?"

I mull over it for a moment. I haven't had any time to rant to my friends because they're all so busy with their work life and their families. It will be nice to let everything out. And what better person to talk to than a stranger? "On one condition."

He smiles widely. He knows he's gotten me already. "Anything."

My lips twitch up in a smile. Maybe, he's not just eager to learn about me. Maybe, he also wants someone to talk to. "You first."

For the second time this night, I see his smile fall, and like before, he doesn't let it last long before he's putting it right back in place. "Fair deal." He concludes before ordering shots. I may end up going home drunk after all.

"Where do I start?" He asks himself and I wait patiently for him to come to terms with the fact that he's about to share his story with a stranger. "I think it started when I lost someone special to me, say six years ago, or so."

Okay, I guess we're giving vague answers. I don't blame him though. I don't expect him to tell me all of his life stories at our first meeting.

"I didn't get the opportunity to grieve. I haven't grieved. I've just accepted the fact that they're gone and I have to live with it. Then, there's a lot of pressure on me to succeed." He laughs bitterly. "I mean, to climb higher than I already am. It's overwhelming and I sometimes, I just snap."

I wisely keep my mouth shut and let him finish.

"I almost did today, so I decided, hey why not go get drinks at that cool club instead? Maybe, you'll meet a beautiful woman."

I chuckle. Is he flirting with me? Even if he's not, the humor at the end of the sentence lightens the mood a bit.

"Coincidentally, I did meet a beautiful woman, only that she carried a wet patch around."

I crack a genuine smile. "Are you gonna let me live that down?"

His grin is easy like he wasn't just talking about grieving his loss seconds ago. He tries hard not to dwell on his problems and he's succeeding. I don't know how he does it, but I envy him. "Never. Your turn."

I'm one hundred percent sure it's the alcohol because I don't hesitate before I start speaking. "Have you heard about Landon and co? It's a small advertising company. Well, it's not that small but it's not very well known as well."

Gabriel nods. "I do. We've worked with them a few times."

Glad he knows what company I'm talking about, I continue. "Well, I used to work there as an advertiser, but I got fired because of my tardiness. It wasn't entirely my fault though. I was supposed to start at 8:30 am, but they suddenly shifted the time to 8:00 am."

Then, I went on to explain the story of how I was only a few minutes late when he fired me. And the only thing he asks is, "Why didn't you just not go to work late?"

"Lucas is a handful in the mornings. He's not a morning person, so before he finishes getting ready, I'm already late."

"And Lucas is?"

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