Chapter Twenty Eight

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I didn't believe it at first. Gabriel, my boss, the CEO of Double H Tech is actually kissing me. He places his hand on the small of my back and pushes me into him, and I finally throw out all my inhibitions and kiss him back.

He pulls back a little, but his lips are still touching mine as he speaks. "Been wanting to do that since the day I saw you."

I nod my head and kiss him again, not having the time to chat. If I'm, to be honest, me too. The kiss is fast and urgent, and it seems like he can't get enough. I let my hand get tangled up in his hair while his hands roam across my body, wanting to touch me everywhere in such little time.

"Why don't we take this inside?" I ask breathlessly. I'm not thinking straight at the moment. I'm not worried about the repercussions of our actions. I just know that I want Gabriel and I'm going to have him.

"Good idea."

Probably not.

As I turn around to unlock the door, Gabriel plants kisses on my neck, distracting me. When I fail to open the door, he chuckles, takes the key from me, and opens it himself.

The house is dark. It means Lucas is already in bed. And that Hilda must be somewhere around. Gabriel doesn't care about that as his hands are on me again as soon as I close the door.

I giggle at his impatience. I'm about to tell him we have to be quiet when the lights are suddenly turned on. We both freeze.

Hilda nods awkwardly. "Okay then, I'll get going."

Gabriel and I stay in the same position as we watch her carry her stuff. "I'll cash app you the money," I tell her and she smiles at me before she leaves the house.

Gabriel bursts out laughing and I groan out loud. That was super embarrassing. She probably thought I couldn't keep it in my pants and Lucas was around!

"What was I thinking?" I whine.

"You weren't, love." Gabriel's eyes still twinkle with mirth, but he's leaning down again. "And I hope you don't start right now."

I place my hands between our faces, stopping his movement. "Do you think this is a good idea?"

"Best damn idea I've ever had." Gabriel lets his eyes trail across my face, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear affectionately. "Do you not want to? It's totally okay."

I shake my head with immediacy. "No, I want to."



He releases a breath of relief. "Oh, good. Now, jump." He taps under my thigh as I jump as ordered, wrapping my legs around his waist as he carries me by my ass. "Where's your room?"

I lead him to my room and he manages to get us there even with how much I return the favor of distracting him by placing short kisses on his neck and jaw that makes him groan.

"Stop that."

But I don't because I want to hear that sound again. I want to see him lose his control. I nibble on the lobe of his ear, on his cheek, and on his neck until I feel a sting on my ass. I gasp. "Did you just spank me?"

I feel him shrug. "You don't listen."

I'm still in surprise as he drops, so I'm sitting on the bed. He kneels before me and gives me a crooked smile as he starts unbuttoning my shirt. His fingers work fast and soon enough, I'm in my bra and pants. He goes for the pants next, but I stop him. "Your shirt goes off next."

He doesn't hesitate to remove his shirt and I feel my jaw drop as I take in his shirtless body. I always knew he was fit with how his shirt usually hugged his body, but I didn't know he was this fit. He was ripped. I can't help myself as I bring my hand forward, touching his abs gently. He sucks in a breath. "If only you knew what your touch does to me."

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