Chapter Fourteen

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"Look what I found."

I turn around at the sound of Lucas' voice and see him holding up two, dollar notes. I feign surprise. "Wow, the tooth fairy must love you."

Lucas rolls his eyes — a habit he's beginning to pick up from me — stuffing it into his jean pocket. "I know it's you, mommy. I'm not as gullible anymore."

I raise my eyebrow at the word he used. It seems like he's learning a new word each day. Unlike other kids, Lucas has taken a liking to read. A few days ago, he came to me, asking for books and comics and I'd just gotten my first paycheck so I didn't mind at all. The paycheck was quite... generous.

I grin at him. "Whatever do you mean?"

"There's no tooth fairy."

"Yet you kept your tooth under your pillow."

He grins back at me. "I could do with a dollar or two." I shake my head with a small smile as I turn back around at the sound of the toaster.

"What? You plan on spending it on Ally?"

"What are you making?" He swiftly changes the subject and I can't help but laugh, taking the toast out of the toaster.

Lucas has a play date today. Well, it's more like I'm babysitting his classmate because her parents have a function to attend. But he has a crush on her. He won't admit it but I catch him blushing whenever her name is mentioned.

I let him change the subject. "Would you like a sandwich or toast?"

"Toast," he answers instantly. He prefers sandwiches, but he says mine is too healthy.

I shrug. "Whatever you say."

"I'll get the plates."

It doesn't take long before I'm done with his as well and I place them on the plates he'd brought out from the cabinet before handing him his and taking it to the living room.

He follows behind me and sits on the couch as I drop mine on the table, going back to get milk and the bowl of apples I'd cut before he came into the kitchen.

I've just settled on the couch beside Lucas when I hear the familiar ping of my phone on two successive sounds. I pick it up from the table, seeing that the text is from an unknown number.

[Unknown: ...]

[Unknown: Good morning, Aria.]

I frown. I don't recall giving anyone my number recently.

[Aria: Who's this?]

[Unknown: your... boss, I guess.]

I blink in surprise, wondering if I'm seeing right. Why will Gabriel text me? After our interaction at his office a week ago, we hadn't spoken. It was easy as we hadn't even seen each other, being on different floors and all.

[Aria: Gabriel?]

[Unknown: Mr. Hernsburg, yes.]

I shake my head, laughing lightly. He never fails to correct me. Well, except that day in his office. I still don't know if I should call what transpired between us an almost kiss. Did he want to kiss me? Or did he just want a distraction?

Lucas poking his head into my phone brings me out of my trance. "Why are you laughing?" He asks curiously. "Who is Gabriel?"

"He's no one." I lie, turning my phone around and placing it on my lap, picking up the remote instead. "What would you like to watch?"

Lucas smiles sheepishly. "Well, I haven't really watched End game."

I don't care for movies like that. I have no interest in Marvel or DC movies or anything relating to spiderman and the rest, but along with books, Lucas has taken a liking to those too. It's not like I'll end up watching the movie anyway. I know I'll be distracted from the text Gabriel sent; rather than from the fact that he texted me. "End game it is."

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