chapter 78

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"why the hell does she want to see her" Damon said.
"She needs anwsers Damon" Alesandro replied.

Both men were currently in Damon's office with a drink each. They sat on the sofa discussing what to do.

"She tried to kill her twice and you want to take her to see her"

"Yes, well it's closure for her, she's been through so much, she needs this "

"So you want to take her and put her in front of the girl who caused her pain, the girl who tried to murder her"

Alesandro's calm demeanor changed. He slammed his glass on the coffee table "I wasn't asking for your permission Damon, I am her father and I am telling you I am taking her. I only came to you because I thought you should know and might want to come with us"

"And the father of the year award goes to you for endangering your daughter's life" Damon said sarcastically.

"Don't you dare tell me I'm endangering her life. You know damn well I would never do that, the fact that you are insinuating that I would, is disrespectful and insulting. You may be the eldest out of your siblings but that does not give you the right to make decisions like these" Alesandros voice was cold and deadly, he glared at his son.

"I don't care, you are putting her in a room with the girl who tried to murder her"

"First there will most likely be doctors around, second I will not be leaving her side. I don't know if you are aware Damon but I was once the head of the Mafia" he added the last part sarcastically.

"Where were you when she was drowning in the lake" Damon snapped.

Alesandro paused. He felt guilty but he didn't know Lexi was such a threat.

"Why didn't you tell me you suspected her " Alesandro countered.

"Because if she wasn't then I would have upset you for no reason. Why bother telling you it was her if it wasn't her"

"And there you go. By not telling me, you put her in danger" Alesandro replied. He was getting fed up of this conversation now.

"Yes and you know now, yet you insist on putting them together "

Alesandro's cold expression turned colder than before. Anyone who saw would understand why he used to be the head of the Mafia, it would send a shiver running down anyone's spine.

"Do not question me Damon. I was once like you, I know just as much as you, and more. You don't have any power when it comes to me Damon and the sooner you learn that the better, I'd hate to show you why I was just as ruthless as you if not more "

"Yes father, I understand " Damon replied lowering his head slightly in defeat, he couldnt even look his father in the eyes.

(Quick note, he's not threatening to hurt Damon, rather show him on one of their victims why he's so deadly. He would never hurt one of his kids. Also Damon of all people couldn't meet his father's eyes which should tell you guys how much power and how scary Alesandro is when he chooses to use it).

"I will be taking her on Saturday" Alesandro said and walked out.

His dark look only softened when he reached Emilias room. He quietly opened the door to check on her. She was fast asleep. He didn't want to take her but he understood she needed this, he wouldn't be leaving her side so she was in no danger.

Tommorow was Friday, he was still unconvinced about sending her to school so he would give her the option in the morning. He suspected she would want to go to be with her boyfriend.

The boys had mentioned a date to him in hopes he would stop it but he had rolled his eyes and sent them away. He wasn't happy about it.

But what father is happy about their dating?

Of course he would never tell her that, the worst thing he could do would ban relationships and that would only create secrets. She was going to get onto a relationship whether he liked it or not. Most importantly it was unhealthy, toxic and controlling.

The worst part about her dating was that the last time he saw her she was a toddler, running and playing and now she was a teenager dating and figuring out her life. It hurt knowing he had missed so much of her life, that she was all grown up now.

He smiled sadly, still watching her sleep as he thought back to one of the last memories he had of her before she was taken.

(Ok so the next part is a memory, all speaking is written in English put they are speaking Italian, it saves time getting wrong translates. Secondly, Emilia probably seems to talk quite adultish in parts I guess so just imagine when she says stuff it's babyish , I find it cringey to write like a baby 🤮 so I have tried make it not as cringey, also she has a small stutter when she speaks in places because she's not good with talking. Basically dumb everything she says down.hopefully this made sense)

"Papà Papà" a two year old shouted, as she ran or at least attempted to run into her father's office.
A youger Alesandro was doing business work but he completely abandoned it when he saw his youngest child running in.

"What is it" he asked lifting her up and placing her on his knee.

"Macy said I can't play as I'm not big enough" the two year old pouted.

"What about playing with Alexia and Matteo" Alesandro suggested.

"Matty is playing with Danny and they say it's just for boys " the two year old pouted.

"And Alexia?"

"With mummy"

Alesandro frowned at this. He hated how his wife rarely paid attention to their youngest. She needed her mother.

"She pushed me earlier but demon called her Lex Luther and mummy told him off"  she explained giggling slightly.

Alesandro chuckled hearing this "are you hurt bambina"

Emilia shook her head "can I stay with you"

"Of course, see your the lucky one, they are all missing out on spending quality time with me" Alesandro said smiling.


Emilia hugged Alesandro "your the best" she whispered.

"I'm glad you think so, if only you remember this moment when you tell me I'm the worst after I tell you you can't go to that party. You probably won't be as excited to hang out with me either." Alesandro muttered quietly. He didn't expect Emilia to hear or understand.


"Not yet bambina, when you're a teenager"

Emilia pouted and crossed her arms "I don't want no party, you never the worst."

Alesandro smiled. He hadnt meant for her to hear the comment he made but he did.

She settled down on his lap getting herself comfy to take a nap.

"I never want to be a teenager, I don't want to be old, you never worst, i will always want to spend time with you"

Alesandro smiled, knowing she wouldn't have the same opinion in years to come, he just held onto his little girl hoping this moment would last forever.

Alesandro smiled, he had always been close with her and he was greatful her words were true, she still wanted to spend time with him despite her fear of having a father.

"Goodnight Emilia, I love you so much" he whispered as he shut the door once more.

So I had no idea what to write for this chapter and this kinda happened.
What do you guys think?

What do you think of Alesandros more "darker side", do you want to see more? His darker side even makes Damon nervous as seen on this chapter so you can imagine how bad he can be when he's pissed.


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