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it's literally been an hour. i guess i really did mean it when i said this will be out soon. i just wrote it so bear with me it's very rocky


Tommy had been at Niki's for two days now, and he was going slightly crazy.

First of all, she'd failed to mention the nuclear weapons she had in her basement because apparently 'everybody has them these days'. The absolute shock he felt when he walked down the cellar stairs to find the flour she'd been requesting only to find bombs almost swept him off his feet.

Esempi had so obviously gone to shit without him.

Second of all he hadn't slept a wink since arriving at Niki's house. Her bed was too soft and her demeanour too nice. He was used to the chaos of Raelyn and Alex, of his son running under his feet and a house he'd built himself. Watching Isaac lay pale in bed only made the ache worse, homesickness hitting harder once he realised this place used to be home.

And third, he'd kicked over his pack earlier today, causing Tubbo's compass to fall out. Tommy'd taken his bee earring out a couple of days ago, mostly out of spite, ignoring how wrong his ear felt without it. But the compass was different, a direct reminder of the friendship he used to rely so heavy on. He'd picked it up, glaring at the purple glow and screamed, throwing the object furiously at the wall. He immediately felt guilty when he saw the dent it left, Niki's beautiful wallpaper scratched and the compass frustratingly intact, enchantments still holding up after all these years.

The noise it had made woke Isaac, who threw up as soon as he'd opened his eyes. Ponk had said vomiting and nausea would be normal around the 3-4 day mark as Isaac's body tried to reject anything that could fuel the virus, but it still broke Tommy's heart to see his son in pain. He was by Isaac in a split-second, rubbing his back and murmuring encouragingly.

"It's fine, it'll be fine." Tommy whispered comfortingly. "It's almost over, and then we can go back home and forget all about this."

"Make it stop Dad." Isaac whimpered, and he may as well of taken a hammer to Tommy's glass heart.

Of course that's when Niki came in, apron on and hair full of flour, no doubt panicked by the commotion. She took in everything, the dent in the wall, Tommy comforting a sick Isaac, the vomit on the floor next to the glowing compass.

She inhaled deeply, smoothing her apron out with doughy hands. "Alright," She said, voice level. "Let's get this all sorted out then."

So now Tommy was strolling through the woods, legs stretching with every stride. Niki had kicked him out once they'd cleaned up, claiming he needed fresh air and a regenerated mind. And who was Tommy to argue? The past month had been one of constant stress, worry and panic. His brain was operating at speeds it had never operated at before, even in all his battles and troubles of the past. Parenthood had changed him, he guessed. With the arrival of Isaac he suddenly needed to care for not only himself (which he'd never done to his fullest ability anyway) and another human being. It was a constant struggle.

That didn't mean he didn't enjoy it. Isaac was honestly the light he needed in his life after Dray had draped its darkness over him, and Tommy, as proven, would go above and beyond to make sure that light would keep shining as bright as it did for the rest of his days.

Was this how Phil felt when Tommy came into his life? He wasn't quite sure anymore. Being a dad had shown Tommy a lot of things, and suddenly he could understand a lot more about the decisions his dad made when he was younger. That didn't mean he agreed with them, but he related, to a certain level, and appreciated what he had.

The path he had followed into the forest took a sharp turn, leading towards a denser patch of trees. He approached them cautiously, unable to see much beyond the third line, the end of the path not visible from where he was.

Still, Tommy continued, not yet ready to return to the reality of his life right now. The trees did eventually thin back out, revealing a clearing and the end of the dirt trail. The area was occupied, three tents and three horses taking most of the space, a burnt out firepit covering the rest. He continued on, seeing the path pick up on the other side of the clearing. Campers were common, so he thought nothing of it, walking through the camp without much care.

Only when he stepped on something did he stop to fully consider his surroundings. The item was soft under his feet, and he bent over to pick it up, eyes widening as he recognised the green striped messily painted onto a white bucket hat.

He knew the hands that painted the stripes. They were the same that held the hat now.

Tommy dropped it quickly, stepping back. He glanced to the side, a red cloak catching his eye from where it was draped over a low-lying branch.

No. No. Nonononono.

A twig snapped across from him, where the continuation of the path lay. Tommy looked up, terrified at what he'd see.

Blue eyes meet red.



Guess who it isss

I was planning on whipping out revivedbur but then i didn't so you guys can have this chaotic trio instead

the plot is moving at the speed of light now and idk why

the amount of OOC moments Tommy is getting in this fic is upsetting. He's changed :')

i was going to wait to publish this later in the week cause i like just wrote it but you guys have already waited so long and been so nice so i was i thought sooner is always better, even if sooner is very very soon.

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