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Tommy doesn't let his guard down once on the way to Phil and Techno's camp.

The silence is suffocating, every snapped twig triggering a fought back flinch. Tommy can hear Wilbur breathing, the hitch everytime he goes to speak but stops himself. It's painful and tense in a way that makes him sure he's going to need a back rub after this.

Finally, after what feels like eternity, they arrive.

Techno and Phil look up with wide eyes, ones that only open further in disbelief at the scene that awaits them.

Tommy can only stare back. It's been so long... Tommy's a different man now, with a son, a home and a future he built with the intention of leaving them out of it. Yet he stands here, thirty-four and matured through age and pain, feeling like a little kid. He wants to run to his family and hide from every problem that's built up over the past month. But he can't.

He doesn't deserve that now.

Tommy strides forward, the set in his shoulders hopefully making him seem unaffected, to stand as close to them as possible. He can't fight the urge to see his family up close, and is desperate to distance himself from this new cracked version of Wilbur. Phil scrambles to his feet, and Tommy can see tears welling in the corners of his eyes. Tommy tries to fight back his own tears.

He doesn't deserve them, he reminds himself. Not after isolating himself so far, not allowing them to reach him.

A sense of dread bleeds into him, suddenly, as he realises that the first thing he's done upon seeing them is led trouble right to them. He can still feel Wilburs presence, cold and pressing into his bones.

"What-" Phil starts, but seems to be at a loss for words, unable to continue. Tommy can't really blame him. That is his dead son Tommy's just led back to him. The whole situation makes him shiver. God, Techno and Phil don't even know about Tommy's own son yet, don't know the shit he's been through the past decade, probably weren't even aware he was alive.

It hurts. Suddenly he's aware of the hole his family left.

"Tom?" Phil begins again, whisper cracking. "Wilbur?"

"Hi Phil," Tommy waves awkwardly, glancing at Techno


So this is as far as I got, sorry. I'll upload the notes/what I'd planned asap, I'm so sorry this is where we had to leave off. Im excited to share what I intended for this fic with all of you, though. Looking back at my notes im quite sad that im dropping these characters, I definitely had a lot of fun messing around w them over the years :)

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