Chapter 2

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Far off in the distance, a dense fog covers the sight of a spire pointing towards the heavens. This spire is known as “Baenen's Tail” a relic from a battle fought long ago against a tyrannical menace.

     One that threatened to enslave and destroy all that walked the land known as Cauldron. Travis, now clad in armor of the Hearth Knights, only knew the abridged version of this story.

     More than anything else, he knew the sight of the spire meant that he and the band of bounty hunters were approaching the outer quarters of the Kingdom.

     He promised the young woman that he would give the kingdom to them. But, that would only be possible after the standing King is dethroned.

     With wavering confidence, he was uncertain if this decision stood as his only choice, given the current circumstances as a hostage.

Marching and marching…


     The formation was a simple diamond of ten in the unit. The young woman stands to the right down the third column of the formation. In the center and second in the middle stands Travis; keeping out of plain sight.

     The group in disguise arrives at town. The townspeople greet the knights before them, but the knights in disguise do not respond as they continue marching.

     “Stop! Stop marching! Hey, you in the front. Nod back to them and pound the left side of your chest twice with your right fist.” Travis whispers to one of the men. “Who do you think is running this operation, huh?” a bounty hunter retorts back.

     “Once with the knuckles of your fingers hitting your chest and a second with the knuckle of your thumb against your chest in a fist!” Travis says going into details.

     The citizens begin murmuring to one another about the oddities in the actions of the group of knights. “Just hurry up and do what he said! The people are becoming suspicious of us.” the young woman says ordering the men. The bounty hunters do so, as the people applaud and cheer.

     “Keep up the hard work!” is said in shout and, “Don’t you all come back from patrol next time until you have that evil spawn’s head!” the people cheer.

     The young woman laughs lightly as they continue marching. “So your old man and the people all hate you? Now I see why you were so casual about giving us this kingdom!”

     “My father is currently sick. The standing King in his stead is my uncle, Zeres.” the young prince informs her softly. Travis sighs and continues to march in formation.

     Above them the castle stands with eight half-arching pillars that surround the outer parameters connecting to the castle. Each pillar reaches to the mid section of Baenen’s Tail, with small stone stumps sticking out the length of them.

     When they arrive at the castle, the group all approach the barracks at the time that the leftover knights had informed them to do.

     The barracks are filled with weapons of a small variety. Double-edged swords, spears and a few quivers are present; all average made.

     A man of about five feet eight inches steps out from behind a wooden door in the center of the barracks. He is covered in the same armor as the group wears, with an added cape to his shoulder plates. This man is as the leftovers described their Captain.

     “There are a lot fewer of you lot than I expected.” says the Knight’s Captain while analyzing the ranks of his men.

     “Don’t tell me… That evil spawn of a prince managed to elude you all and cut most of you down, is that right? Pitiful…just pitiful.” the Captain expresses with a wad of spit he shoots at the tiled floor. “I expected so much more from you all, given the task that King Zeres gave to us.” he chides.

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