Chapter 5

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The night of the dethroning of Zeres. Some of the people from the towns in Hearth gather by a stream. The people were not aware of any of Zeres’s shortcomings as King. So they were uncertain of why he had been murdered by Travis. Others didn’t care, because the Zae were not to be trusted, or so they were told.

     Among the group gathered, many discussed the matters of their Prince and potential King being a descendant of the Zae; a clan known for their unexplainable destruction.

     The group look to their years as citizens and the joyous days under King Adin. At the day of the Great Announcement, the people were shown the baby of the King and the foreign woman he brought back after his second Royal Venture.

     The baby was a boy that resembled the mother more than the father. Many speculated that the little one was not of Royal seed.

     Yet, as they looked upon the joy on the face of their King and his fondness of the baby boy; they could not mistake the display for anything other than love. They questioned his lineage no further that day. For years the citizens had known the young man as a boy of pure intentions.

     There were times when he would be up to trouble and the King would scold him. But, as they knew him from the years under Adin’s rule; he walked as a proper image of a Royal.

     “Before this birth of a Zae fiasco, we all adored that young lad. Is it not possible that we were being misled by Zeres?” a man from the crowd speaks. “What if it’s true that the boy is of Zae? Are you willing to gamble the lives of others based on your fickle sentimentality? We all have families that need not be put at risk!” another speaks.

     The crowd is divided on opinions and decide to reconvene another day, discussing further on the matter come the next morning.

     Vivian stands close by and eavesdrops on the peoples discussion. She has her own concerns about the talk of the Zae and what that means for the future of her new home.

     “Well damn, that was a waste of time. Not a single one of them seems to know what the Zae are.” she remarks while walking down a road.

     Along the walk, she notices a place with the lights still on. The small house is missing its door and above the place where the door is supposed to stand is a sign with no words. The only thing of relevance on it is tongs and a hammer. Outside of the house are piles of logs neatly stacked against the stony foundation.

     “My saber is probably due for some attention. If this is a smith, then they better know their stuff.” she expresses out loud as she approaches the house.

     “There’s no door, that’s strange.” she comments while knocking on the door frame. “Do you see a door? Get in here!” a voice shouts from inside of the hut, startling her. Vivian walks into the house and watches a burly bearded man with an extensive bald hairline. The man is in the process of heating up his forge to start working.

     He turns around and looks her over. “Well aren’t you just cute?” the man says to her while scratching his beard. “And that sword on your hip…that’s Symphony’s End isn’t it?”

     Vivian is caught off guard by the man’s friendliness. “I never knew the sword had a name, it was my inheritance from my late father.” she speaks honestly.

     The man sits her on a stool and pulls up one for himself. Eager to hear about her, he places his elbows on the table and rest his chin in his hands.

     “That must make you Darling Jesse’s daughter. Did you learn a lot from your father?” he ask her as she shakes her head to the question. “I can’t say, my late father was always on the run from the Emperor and…at the time I was so young; so I don’t remember much. Although, I do remember all the bartering tactics he taught me.”

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