Chapter 7.2

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In a dried wasteland lies a great tree, this tree is one of the Blessing given by The Only to this world; it is known as the Giving Tree. For this tree brings new life into the world from other plains of existence by bearing people sized fruit, covered in many flesh-like petals. The tree had no leaves, it’s trunk and branches were blueish-purple like veins, and it grew healthy in the dried lifeless land.

     One day, about twenty years from Travis’s time, the tree bore a large fruit that bloomed with its petals. The petals peeled back with the smaller ones falling off first and then larger ones, to reveal the fruit bearing the soul from another realm.

     This fruit was a man named Derrick who fell to the dry ground below. He had been comatose for seven months in his world, but mysteriously appeared within the Empire of Cauldron. The man awakes, rises to his feet and looks around at the unfamiliar view before him.

     Unbeknownst to him, a naked woman is watching him from afar. The man attempts to find a way to cover his nudity, but within the wasteland exist nothing of use to hide his exposed flesh.

     The woman who is pressed against the ground of similar color to her almond skin, reveals herself and approaches the man.

     The man notices her as she rises from the ground, his eyes caught in the motions of her body’s movement. Each moment showed more and more contour of her captivating figure.

     With each strut towards him, the man found more pleasantries to behold the closer she approached. The woman steps in close and presses her body against his, causing them both to fall back to the ground. With her breast pressed against his, the man takes in the warmth from her exposed flesh.

     Losing himself to the thrill of his desires for her. The two fall into the motions of passion, breathless after each encounter. The wind blows through the dry land and time passes.

     Moments after the act is completed the man draws near to her with his arm wrapped gently around her neck and ask her name. The woman responds in a mumble to the man. The only word he can make out is “Mother” as she continues on. “Are you looking for your mother?” he ask while looking over the enticing body that he feasted upon only moments ago.

     “We should find a better place to stay than this, it is bound to turn cold when the sun sets.” The man grabs her hands and pulls her up to him.

     The woman stumbles awkwardly onto him and giggles. “You’ll need a name just in case we run into danger and I need to warn you or vice-versa.” the man expresses, pondering to himself.

     “I will call you, Shola. Because you were found in a large desolate land that you are the beauty and blessing of. My name is Derrick.” the man states as Shola caresses his neck down to his collar bone with her index finger; sending a chill throughout his body.

     They begin their travels to a sight that Derrick spots in the distance. The view before them was one that could not be explained by Derrick, as his world had no such phenomenon.

     There in the distance stood a scene that is best described, as a mountain turned upside-down with its peak stabbed into the earth; with a large glowing tree atop reaching to the sky, dressed down with thick and long glowing vines.

     Along the way, they survive by eating the few withered stems and blades of grass that could be scavenged as they arrived. It was hardly a meal to keep them strong and the taste made it bland and undesirable. The nights they used the warmth of each other’s bodies to survive the mild cold nights.

     After ten sunrises and nine sun downs, the couple arrives below the mountain at its tip. The first thing that Derrick notices is the softness of the ground below. The next was the without want selection of vegetation that colored the distance of the area.

     He and Shola had finally found food that would fill and satisfy and possibly a home. Without restraint, the couple ate until they were content and tasted of each other’s desires with each passing chance.

     Three more sunrises and three sundowns pass as the two are visited by a stranger clad in fine linen clothing of red and purple. He collapses on the ground dividing the wasteland and mountain. The man looks about the same age as Derrick who in his world, had just turned twenty-three.

     Derrick searches through the man’s bag when suddenly, Shola knocks him away from the stranger’s belongings. The woman lifts the stranger’s head up on her thighs and grabs a nearby fruit. Shola opens his mouth and squeezes the firm fruits juice into his mouth.

     He coughs up some of the juice and opens his eyes. Shola shines a lovely smile at the man who lays on her, while gently stroking his silky blonde hair.

     “Oh my, has The Only decided to bless me before I make the climb?” the stranger says as he reaches up to touch her face. The man looks around and notices Derrick, who is also naked, showing his raw materials. “And an unwelcoming image also hangs in my view. That is definitely not a blessing…”

     The man gifts them two sets of clothing from his belongings; one for each of them. Derrick wears the top and bottom. Shola decides on wearing just the button up top. Her legs exposed inches above her knees, revealing dewy plump thighs.

     That night he eats with them to recover his strength, unable to take his eyes off of Shola. Once the man is well and on his feet, he continues his journey. Shola grabs his arm and pulls. “Stay—stay here and tell Us! Tell Us about yourself.” the woman speaks softly as if to lure him in.

     Derrick is shocked upon hearing Shola speak. Throughout the travel to the flipped mountain, she only spoke in mumbling that he could not understand.

     The man responds back to her. “My name is Adin, I am on my second Royal Venture, since I was not given a Blessing during the first.” the man states as his eyes are locked on the lovely sight of Shola wearing his shirt that is far too big for her; further captivating his interest.

     Adin could hold back his desire no longer. Finally, he makes his move and pulls the woman close against his hip. “You two are more than welcome to join me.” he offers while focusing his words towards Shola. Derrick interrupts. “Shola and I are making this land our home. You can make your final good-byes when you come down from that big rock; however way you choose! Good luck and goodbye!”

     Shola frowns at Derrick. She then walks ahead of Adin and climbs the mountain. Adin chuckles and grabs a vine, following her up the mountain. Derrick hangs back at the tip of the mountain as the two climb above. These images invade Damen’s mind as his body travels to the Benign Coastlands to arrive at the once dried wasteland known as Di Shola.

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