Chapter 20

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Fourteen days after the catastrophic events involving Derrick, Travis and the Wyvern. The kingdom's occupants have deserted their home and none of the citizens remain. Throughout these days, the automatic rebuilding particles have only managed to repair about ten percent of the kingdom within this time.

A few of the houses are built up to no more than the first floor. Making it possible to live in them, as the remaining group all live under the same roof. Travis, Vivian, Damen, Logan, Grantham and Ode live together and share some of the rooms.

Occasionally, Travis and Grantham travel outside of the Kingdom for supplies to keep everyone fed and clean. The bonding time between the two helps with Travis gaining trust from the bounty hunters.

Vivian has decided to spend her days with Ode, who has been ever supportive of the young woman since her forced leave as leader of the band of bounty hunters known as the Fetching Owls. He stands by her side and treats her as the daughter he always wanted.

Damen has been receiving guidance from Logan on the job of a Seer. The job requires a bit more physical labor than what he signed up for, due to Logan's fear of a future rampage from the Zaeic prince. Each day, he has been training with Grantham and Ode to better prepare for whatever endless possibilities await he and Travis.

When the young Seer asked Logan about the library that Travis and Vivian mentioned before, the man had no knowledge to pass on.

The two young previous leaders have started spending a lot more time talking with one another. Yet still, Vivian has had trouble facing herself in addressing Travis about all that occurred before and after her abduction by the Wyvern; his mother. Apologizing or approaching the subject has been difficult for her.

She is often seen wearing his robe during the cold nights as she keeps her skills honed. The robe looks stylish on her as she practices her footwork with Symphony's End in hand.

Then there is Travis, he ponders the dream he had and the sentiment of its appearance. The young man discussed it with both Seers, yet neither had ever heard of or experienced a vision in a dream that could be controlled.

At times, he's thought to check the books in the hidden library underneath the castle for clues or an explanation to his linage. But he knew he was not ready, not to face the remains of his mother after he was the one who took her soul.

Despite the constant feeling of melancholy flooding his beating heart. Travis looked ever joyously forward to the travels of meeting an old unlikely friend.

Within the days, the groups had gathered, crafted and cooked supplies and food for their journey. The young prince is to leave the repairing kingdom without a king; as he has refused to take the throne.

Another week passes as the three young people plan to head north-east to the Calling Forest; the place where the three's journey first began.

Surrogate parents of the hardened young woman...

Grantham, Ode and Logan stand at the border of the kingdom to see off Travis, Vivian and Damen on their way. Grantham stands with his arms folded, smiling from afar at the young woman he picked up off the street little more than a decade ago.

"I'm not sure what made you take that girl in...but thank you for doing so." Ode says to Grantham with all gratitude.

The taller man turns to face the burly man.

"Vivian was so small at the time when my men and I first laid eyes on her. The little thing just walked into the bar and started eating from one of my men's plate. When he tried to shoo her away, she just cried, but kept on eating." the man continues the tale. "I come over to see what the men are laughing about and what do I see?"

"A blubbering girl with a sword strapped to her waist. I made it very clear to my men that they weren't to pay for the food she ate; even if she was a Grail-less kid."

"So, I pull her aside, sit at a table across from one another. I look her dead in her eyes and tell her how much she owes my men for the little stunt she played. 'How do you plan to pay for this?' I asked her."

"The little thing looks back at her sword. I look at it with her; as I expected her to threaten me with it. Instead, she pats the guard on it and asked if I was curious about her sword. I said I was and she lets me know with as serious a look that a kid could muster."

"And an adorable little frown on her face, that I had to try not to laugh over. She tells me, that the story was an expensive one. Am I sure I want to hear it? It could cost me more than what she ate. Sly little brat." the man chuckles upon the retelling of the story.

Ode laughs along and shakes his head.

"I knew the owner of that sword. He was a man named Darling Jesse, a man that I saw a future-working with. I finally heard the truth about my old coworker last week..." Ode expresses as he watches Vivian slap Damen in the back of his head while the group leaves.

"You did a good job raising her. Although, she is a little rough. But, I imagine she has been through a lot that required that sort of touch." the burly man comments.

"My hope is that that prince softens the hard shell of Viv's heart. My men and I weren't the best role models for her." Grantham explains to the man.

"But, you all did an amazing job to get her to the next point of her life. I have no doubts, that all of your efforts will help her grow into the person she wants to become." Ode remarks to Grantham as the taller man turns back to watch her leave.

His eyes tears up as he looks at the face of the young woman facing to Travis, smiling at him.

Travis turns around and looks at Grantham. "Our girl, Viv-she can be a bit rough and a tad stubborn. Would you mind helping to soften those sides of her on this little adventure?"

"I'm not asking you to do much...just check in on her when things seem to upset her. Oh, and guard your face!" Grantham remembers the words he spoke to Travis the same time as the young man thinks about them.

Travis turns forward, facing the direction of their destination and mumbles under his breath. "Guard your face- What kinda pep talk is that?!"

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