Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Haunted House is about to open [Catch Bugs]

    The three college students shivered and looked at Yu Jiuyin with mournful eyes, as if he was a big pig's hoof that doesn't understand the style.

    But in fact, Yu Jiuyin didn't mean to scare them. After all, people and ghosts have different paths, and it may not be a good thing to forcibly leave a family of four in the haunted house. Therefore, just after the haunted house was settled, Yu Jiuyin wanted to send them to bliss. As a result, it was unexpectedly discovered that the human skin doll was broken. The soul of this family was incomplete, and it had to be warmed up for a while.

    In the end, Yu Jiuyin simply let them live in the haunted house and wait for them to be raised. As for the part-time job in the haunted house, it was also requested by their family of four in order to repay Yu Jiuyin. For their comfort, Yu Jiuyin also built the first phase of the haunted house into a miniature version similar to their original home. In order to give a family of four some comfort after death.

    Of course, it is natural for ghosts to be happy. But it was too miserable for those three college students. The place where I work is a haunted house, and my colleagues are real ghosts. No matter how I think about it, this experience is a bit too exciting.

    But on the other side, there are people far more frightened than these three college students. It was the middle-aged boss who was in the detention room.

    Generally speaking, 60% of criminals with antisocial personality like him will have some mental illness. After all, there are very few born bad guys. This is also the reason why the middle-aged boss was judged to be insane by the experts brought by the lawyer, and the policemen gritted their teeth with hatred and had to accept it.

    But now, they are inexplicably confused because of the strange state of this neighbor.

    In the detention center, before I could enter the door, I heard a shrill cry

    , "I'm so bored, I need to hunt. Let me go back, I'll die if I'm bored like this... I'll really die..."

    "It's all Animals, pigs, cattle and sheep can be eaten, and people can become toys."

    "Natural selection! I'm not guilty! I'm not guilty!"

    In the entire detention center, the cement walls were stained with blood, most of which were blood spots left by the middle-aged boss when he mutilated himself. But no one knows that he didn't do this on purpose, but really collapsed.

    Day and night, even every minute and every second, he could feel the souls of those he killed.

    They all came for revenge.

    The viscous blood permeated the entire detention center, and the rancid arm choked his neck tightly. If he didn't cry hard, he would be out of breath. As for his limbs, he was grabbed and pulled in five directions constantly, the kind of tenderness that seemed to be split by five horses.

    Therefore, according to the observation of the police in the detention center, this neighbor is obviously crazy, =, but the irony is that when he first caught the person, he was clearly sober and deliberately forcibly pretended to be crazy. But now people are really crazy, but they can't find out.

    Many integrity experts have come to the detention room one after another. After repeated consultations, they all came to the same conclusion. This person is not sick, let alone mentally ill. Everything is fake, just to escape legal sanctions. He was simply a good man in extreme health.

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