Chapter 114

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Chapter 114 Dark clouds cover the sun

    "What's suspicious about this?" The village     chief thought the two of them were strange. "It's useless to keep a mother-in-law who can't have a boy. What's wrong with running away for fear of being beaten?" I like girls."

    "..." The old village chief was speechless.

    Yu Jiuyin hurriedly asked, "Are there many young daughters-in-law who run away after giving birth to a girl?"

    "Not many, but there are. So we didn't find it strange after listening to it at the time, but now I'm listening to you..."

    " Did the principal of the second primary school in the fishing village have anything strange when he raised his daughter?"

    "Ah! There is one!" The village chief racked his brains and finally came up with a very different one. "His daughter grew up drinking rice cereal, but she looks better than those who grew up on milk in the village!"

    As expected, Yu Jiuyin and Rongqing looked at each other, and they had a plan in their hearts. At the same time, Rong Qing asked one more question, "When did the grades of the second primary school students in the fishing village start to improve?"

    "It seems that it was after the principal's wife ran away. That mother-in-law, huh, I didn't say it, she was restless. ." It seemed that the shooting had affected him, and the village chief hesitantly broke out another shocking revelation. "It was said before in the village that the principal's wife was kidnapped from outside."


    "Yes! I met once at that time, and she was literate and wrote beautifully. Where can there be such a girl in Shili Ba Village? It's not what was kidnapped! It's also a sin."

    Rong Qing and Yu Jiuyin came out of the village chief's house and felt that the case could basically be closed. It's not because they are sloppy, it can only be said that the case is too simple. If it was placed in the city, it would not have to be delayed until now. When the first case started, the case had already been solved. It's just here that everyone was stunned by the rumors of the dish fairy. In addition, those children must have seen Die Fairy before, so they have come to this point.

    The only pity is that this time the prisoner, even if his hands are stained with blood, may not be so unforgivable.

    Although the village chief only said a few words, he was able to judge two things. First, the old principal's wife ran strangely. As a person in the village who has a deep-rooted concept of patriarchal preference, the principal has become fascinated by the love for the remaining daughters.

    Second, after the principal's wife ran away, the grades of the second primary school students in the fishing village began to improve. But in fact, many of the students from the No. 2 Primary School in the fishing village could not even get into the town's junior high school. Except for the kind that are born smart.

    So this shows the fact that the current principal may not be the original principal at all. And the principal's wife may not have run away, but killed the old principal in some way and then pretended to be him to replace him. Only this can explain why the principal suddenly loves his daughter, and his teaching ability improves rapidly.

    And only this reason can explain the series of murders after the appearance of Die Xian. Because killing is in some ways as addictive as gambling, even when forced to protect yourself or punish evil in the first place. But in the end, this violence will eventually erode the soul.

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