Chapter 83

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Chapter 83 Justice Occasionally Late

    Wu Heyang is one of the most famous news media people in the circle. Different from others, Wu Heyang's news is very topical every time he broke the news, and only many fans who like to hunt for strange things are vying for it. Of course, only Wu Heyang himself knows whether the news that he broke out to attract people's attention is true or not.

    On this day, as usual, he leisurely flipped through the information on the Internet. When he saw the articles that broke out on the Rong family's official account, Wu Heyang's face was full of ridicule and contempt.

    "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Those people themselves are not careful, so people can take advantage of it. Whoever harms who is looking for it has nothing to do with our news media people! Do I say she is not a junior? , she has never been a mistress? It's a joke. When a bitch, you have to set up a chastity arch."

    Wu Heyang was the first to break the news of this mistress, so in his opinion, this article on the Rong family's official account was shared with the public. Pumping his big mouth makes no difference.

    Therefore, he crackled these words on the computer, and at the same time, he pulled out the screenshots when the whistleblower provided the information, ready to post it to refute Rong Qing.

    However, the moment he pressed the Enter key, the scene in front of him suddenly became blurred.

    what happened? Wu Heyang was shocked, but then, he found that the environment around him suddenly changed.

    He seemed to be deep in an empty room, except for the darkness, there were only reprimands and curses coming from all directions.

    "Little San, damn it! Bitch is hypocritical!"

    "Don't you want to jump off the building? You should just jump off!"

    "A shameless creature like Xiao San should exist in this world!"



    "Go Die!"

    Various voices continued to curse in vicious language, and the thin woman hid in the corner with her head in her arms, trembling all over, but she was speechless.

    "No, I don't, I don't know. When I was with him, I really didn't know that he was married!"

    Her tone was desperate and desperate, but these explanations couldn't come out of this space, those harsh words The swearing continued to reverberate, even intensifying. In the end, when she had a crush on the basketball captain of the next school in junior high school, the little things could be brought out to ridicule the spontaneity, the woman finally completely collapsed.

    Actually it shouldn't be. She was rescued from the top of the twenty-third floor in the daytime, and was comforted by a psychiatrist, saying that she must look forward in everything, and life is precious. At night, however, these words become empty and false lies.

    Since everything has to look forward, why do these people on the Internet dig deep into her past, and even put a non-existent hat on her head?

    Since life is precious, why do these people keep calling her, private message her, and send her to death sentence after sentence?

    She clearly didn't do anything! She is clearly a victim too! But now he has become a slut, a vixen who deliberately destroys the family.

    Hearing too many lies has turned into the truth. Since that's the case, it's better to follow their wishes. The woman picked up the knife and slashed her wrist as if she didn't know the pain.

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