Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

This is not behind the eyes of something!

The third child was really courageous, he took an unused pencil from the table and stabbed it hard.

hard? The feeling of touch from his subordinates made the third child's heart move, and then he immediately realized what the red light was - it was clearly a pinhole camera.

What the hell! How on earth did this thing fit into their bedroom? How long has it been installed? The third child's anger immediately rose, and he moved the cabinet with all his strength, but as expected, a small hole was punched in the wall behind the cabinet and the back panel on the side of the cabinet against the wall. The pinhole camera is installed in the hole.

The third one took off the camera and looked at it for a while, and found that it was a relatively high-tech type, not only small, but also has a complete night shooting function. The point is that the memory card of this pinhole camera is not here, but directly Upload the shooting content to the installer's computer mailbox. So even if he finds a camera here, he can't immediately determine what the installer has photographed.

Thinking that there may be another pair of eyes spying on their lives in the dark every day, the third child's back began to get chills. Thinking of the two small incidents not long ago, he felt more and more that the taste of the current situation seemed to have changed. It was not so much that someone deliberately harassed the boss, but that he had encountered that kind of extremely paranoid stalker.

Because just a week ago, the boss put half of the milk tea on the table in the large classroom, and the milk tea was gone after going to the toilet. At that time, he also deliberately "fighted" with the second child, forcing the second child to take the blame and say that the second child secretly drank it. At the same time, the boss received a gift that was suspected to have been sent by mistake - a white shirt, the same size as the boss's, a famous brand, and the price was naturally very expensive. They thought it was the recipient who made a mistake, so they explained it to the courier and asked the courier to send the item back. The boss also wrote a note inside to express his apology. They didn't open the courier on purpose, but only opened it because they thought it was theirs. However, the packaging of the clothes has not been moved, so don't worry about it.

These two things seem to be trivial things, but with the exposure of the five roommates of the bullying boss in high school, and the camera in the cabinet right now, the third child instinctively linked all these together, and finally got to He came to a conclusion similar to Yu Jiuyin, illegitimate meal!

After all, such a practice that seems to be in love, but is actually extremely terrifying, can only be done by this kind of illegitimate meal that claims to be extremely loved.

But how can the boss, a supernatural anchor, have such a thing only for a big star? The face is too dark! The third child could not laugh or cry. But even so, he put the things away carefully, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and planned to call Yu Jiuyin. He felt his findings should help the boss' case.

However, as soon as the phone was taken out, he was suddenly attracted by a strange place in the cabinet.

Since the beginning of their dormitory, there have been only the three of them, so the door of the fourth wardrobe in the quadruple room has been unlocked and empty.

When the third child moved the wardrobe to check just now, because he was impatient, he didn't find anything unusual, but now that he calmed down, he immediately realized that the cabinet...the weight was wrong. The three of them have not lived here for a while, and there are some autumn and winter clothes in the closet. The cabinet is also an ordinary cabinet, and its own weight is the same. A man of normal stature can move easily at all, even a girl with more strength can do it.

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