Moonage Daydream

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Living through the biggest war that had ever been meant fear was a constant. It was for your own life, for your home, and your livelihood. Somehow, this was completely different.

There was nothing that the Pevensie siblings could do there. It was preemptive and controlled by people far more powerful than them. But here, they could get to Edmund and they could save him. And it was what they wanted to do more than anything else.

The three siblings chased after their youngest brother, confused and isolated from their home. His tracks had already been covered by falling snow, the white flakes disconnecting the siblings from one another- and Edmund didn't even have a coat.

When they reached the peak of the hill, the ice castle was in view. It was beautiful, more so if they hadn't know what resided there.

"Edmund!" Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs, begging for her brothers attention. But it barely echoed further than fifty feet before dissipating into the frosty air.

Beaver hushed, frustrated. "Shh, they're hear you!" It didn't stop Peter trying to make a break for it, and Beaver grabbed him. "No!"

"Get off me!" The blonde boy commands, perhaps thinking he was already a King like the prophecy had suggested.

"You're playing into her hands."

Susan cried out. "We can't just let him go!"

And Lucy whispered, softly. "He's our brother."

"He's the bait." Beaver hissed, causing them all to think more carefully. It was supposed to deter them, if only for a short while. "The Witch wants all of you!"

"Why?" Peter challenged ferociously.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true. To kill you!"

Just as the Beaver spoke, the door to the palace swung shut as they saw the small, dark figure of their brother disappear. Their flesh and blood was walking straight into the trap of one of the most powerful beings to ever walk through Narnia.

Susan mumbled under her breath,, her words clearly directive. "This is all your fault."

"My fault?" The eldest child was taken aback, as his sister accused him.

She seethed. "None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place."

"Oh," Peter nodded, knowingly. "So you knew this would happen."

"I didn't know what would happen." Susan promised, angrily. "Which is why we should've left while we still could!"

That was when Lucy seemed to lose it too. "Stop it! This isn't going to help Edmund."

"She's right." Beaver sighed, defeated. "Only Aslan can help your brother now."

Peter nodded, solemnly, turning to his sisters. "Then take us to him."

     Aramis had spent most of his time in the Narnian Camp worrying. So many things were happening, all of which he could see, and he was able to help no one. His powers were under a strict rule, which was probably for the best.

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