Sweet Thing

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The future was often the thing that people became skeptic of, before they even looked into the possibilities ahead of them. To have so much time was a blessing, whenever the end was destined to come, it would be sweet knowing that so much had happened, and there was still so much left.

     It was no secret that Aramis had spent most of his life waiting for something to happen. For anything to happen. And though it had taken so long, he wouldn't have changed a single thing, as it made everything worth it.

     The Pevensie's were angels to him, finally offering purpose. It was all he had ever wanted.

     Hunting had become a favourite sport between the siblings. They went at least once a week, sometimes up to five times, in order to satisfy their craving. Although, they rarely killed anything. They couldn't bring themselves to actually murder a creature, not after the battle they had pushed through.

     Every time they did go, especially for something violent, Aramis would wish them well and goodbye. He had seen how their time in Narnia would end, the first time, and was granted nothing more than that. After then, their future was hazy in his eyes. But since every goodbye was the same, he would never know when they would leave.

     He then made every time as wonderful as if it were the last time he would ever see them.

     He had taken to waiting by the opening doors of Cair Paravel, waiting until the Pevensie's were ready to leave. Aramis was alone, however. It wasn't as if he was the only one left, but he was just the only one willing to say his goodbyes every time. This was one commitment he could never break.

     Not ever.

     "Aramis!" Lucy giggled as she pranced down the spiralling staircase.

     She was the first to come down, followed rather swiftly by Susan. Both girls had grown into themselves tremendously, having never could have been anyone else but the person they were now. Lucy was still young, by comparison to everyone else, though a fully grown woman if they were to declare it. Susan was wise, too, one of the most accomplished strategists that Narnia had ever seen.

     "My Queens." Aramis bowed to them both, courteously. Even after so long of them begging him to change his formalities, he refused. It was all he could cling onto from his beginning, and he would never let it go.

  "You look magnificent." Lucy grinned, admiring Aramis' white robes. The colour had never changed, but the style had, many times.

     Now, the neck was higher, with thin bandage-like twists which wrapped around him. The figure was broad, though, and cut off mid thigh. Beneath that, were trousers, wide, and comfortable. He had been somewhat relieved in that sense.

     "You are kind, my Queen." He replied. "As ever, you both, are radiant."

  "Stop flattering my sisters." Edmund groaned from the landing. Despite being older, he had never lost his childish energy. Though, he had grown handsome, with black hair that fell below his ears, but was often tucked behind. "It's boring now."

  "My King." Aramis bowed again, but Edmund shrugged it off. "You too, look regal, and radiant."

  "He flatters you more than us, Edmund." Susan informed him: she seemed to know it was true, not that anyone kept track.

  The spirit gulped. "I do not mean to. If I have offended any of you, then I-"

  "Calm down." Edmund placed a large and firm hand onto his shoulder. "Aramis, you are a friend, you know this."

  "Thank you, my King." He was able to breathe some sort of normality into himself. It was difficult, of course, to relax around legends, but he was getting slowly used to it.

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