When I Live My Dream

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The Lone Isles seemed to be a far journey from anywhere, and as they sailed, it seemed they only got further from civilisation. None of them were water bound creatures, so their prolonged exposure to the sea was a challenge in itself. However, only Eustace found it to be more difficult than Aramis.

This voyage was his first experience on a boat, and it was bound to be his last. He didn't trust the way it moved on the waves. It was far to easy to topple and reassert itself.

When land eventually came into view, it was like they had struck gold. Beyond the beaches stretched a mass of vegetative land spanning over the whole island, leaving only the cliff faces towards them bare. The only issue was that this place also seemed to unoccupied.

    "It looks uninhabited." Caspian observed through his telescope, eyeing up the spaces where their boats could dock. "But if the lords followed the mist East, they would have stopped here."

  "Could be a trap." Drinian grunted, sceptically.

  "Not everywhere is like the Lone Isles." Aramis countered, softly. "And anyway, this could be a good chance to restock our food stores."

  "It could hold some answers." Edmund shrugged, seeing the benefit to both sides of the argument. "Caspian?"

  Folding up the telescope, he handed off to Drinian, who would probably find more use for it in the mean time. "We'll spend the night on shore, scour the island in the morning." He nodded to Aramis, and the spirit bowed his head in return.

  "Aye, your Majesty."

It didn't take very long for the boats to sail over to the beaches. They chose a small bay as their resting space, which cut off any wind that might have come their way. One of the men built the fire for them all to sleep around, with the Kings and Queen closest to the middle.

They had, thankfully, decided against sleeping on the beach. It was a space slightly off the coast where the grass had only just started to grow. Their backs were bound to ache, but they had been in worse conditions. At least there was warmth, and they had each other.

Most of the crew fell asleep rather quickly, the journey to get to the island had been a long one. Aramis, however, found that he was more awake than he had ever been. He and Edmund were afforded very little time together, especially in such confined quarters. When they sat beside one another, it was hard to ignore the fact that they were able to speak. It was all they wanted to do.

Neither of them were particularly mushy people, but it was difficult not to be emotional when faced with someone so wonderful. Aramis had so many words ready to spill from his mouth, but none of them made it out.

"It's beautiful here." The spirit sighed as he stared up to the sky, marvelling at the stars. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Me neither." Edmund agreed, clasping Aramis' hand in his own. "The sky looks so different."

"It's another tribe."

"From yours?" It was always interesting for the freckled boy to hear of Aramis' life before him, and learn so much that he never would have learnt from anywhere else. "Who are they?"

"There..." His hand pointed upwards to the left section. "Is the Harfee Tribes." And then he gestured to the right. "And this is the Olimar Tribe."

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