Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed

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The days were becoming longer. The magic was returning to Narnia's roots and core, feeding through the earth naturally. Aramis could feel each tendon attach to his body in an overwhelming sense. He too was becoming stronger, more towards his natural form.  

     When on land, he seemed human. He didn't shine in the same way as he did when he was home. But it was worth it if it meant he was doing what he was born to do.

     "I have to, Aslan." Aramis simpered, his dark eyes wide, perhaps even glazed. "Please... don't stop me this time."

  "My friend..." the lion settled, crossing his paws in front of himself. "I would never dream of coming between you and your destiny."


  "It was not time yet-" he stated, calmly. "Now, you and he are both ready. It is right."

The cell was freezing. Every surface was ice, thick and unbreakable. It seemed almost blue with the tinges of light that melted through from the sky.

Each of his limbs has slowly but surely become heavier- and it hadn't even been that long. Maybe an hour or so, nothing that shouldn't have been bearable. But his entire body felt like it was burning with ache.

Edmund couldn't eat the food. Not only was it rock-hard, prone to snapping teeth, but the drink was frozen too. He hadn't known what it was, but it had completely changed state. It must have been close to a day since he had consumed anything. A sickly feeling grew in his stomach.

He threw the food to the tray, a clatter loud and frightening. That's when a voice called to him.

"If... if you're not going to eat that..." Edmund held it in his hand and slid it across the ice. He couldn't think why anyone would want it. "I'd get up, but... but my legs."

The Pevensie boy looked to the voice for the first time, with the intent to see who he was. A faun was the answer- half human, half goat. Edmund only knew of one faun.

Slowly, he spoke. "Mr Tumnus?"

"What's left of him." The faun whimpered, curling into himself as he looked at the human. "You're Lucy Pevensie's brother."

He nodded, almost embarrassed. "I'm Edmund."

"Yes. Yes. You have the same nose."

Tears pricked his dark eyes. Edmund was coming to terms with what he had done, and he never wanted to believe it. Maybe he didn't like them all of the time, but that didn't mean he wanted them hurt.

"Is your sister alright? Is she safe?"

The wolves began barking- Edmund flinched. "I don't know."

Then the door was opened. The scraping of ice against the cool air aroused goosebumps onto the skin. Mr Tumnus made a quick effort to scuttle to the other side of his cell. It would only put them in more trouble.

"My police tore that dam apart. Your little family are nowhere to be found." Jadis marched in, fury a cold expression covering her being.

For a moment Edmund was confused. Then, she grabbed his shirt, and lifted him from the ground. His ankles pulled on he chains. Pained, he clenched his jaw.

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