Neji lemon

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This was requested by - Tsuna-senju28
You kept your posture as your carriage hit a pot hole. Your boyfriend who, who was sitting beside you watched as your full breasts bounced from the action.

You looked over to him and gave him a smirk as he stuck a hand under your shirt. Before he could touch anything you heard a voice shout from the street.

"OH THAT'S UTTERLY DISGUSTING!" Yelled the proper young voice.

Your lover at once removed his hand for the fear of being seen.

You could hear your parents in the carriage behind you, talking about matters in your own land as well as your royal subjects. This whole trip could have been a pain and you still would have rather stayed home but, being next in line it was a bit of an important matter to meet future allies and parents best friends.

The sounds and smells of the surrounding areas outside the carriage had you dying to explore, but with the dangers that could potentially await you, your parents would never let you out alone.

You sighed and put on your royal garments as you felt the driver slow the horses and gradually come to a stop.

You waited to hear your parents door open and for them to get out before having your driver open your door.

Once you had set foot outside the carriage, your parents handed your boyfriend some paperwork and gifts and sent him off to the hokage tower.

Hiashi and what looked to be 2 others around your age then walked through the gate and welcomed you.

"Ahhh Hiashi, it's been such a long time since we've seen each other. I see you as well have some youth of your own." Your mother chuckled softly and your father joined in.

He smiled as he looked at the 2 on either sides of his shoulders. "This is my daughter Hinata and I've told you about my nephew Neji-"

Hiashi was immediately cut off by Kiba,akamaru and Shino running in front of you. "Hey Hinata, get ready for a mission. Lady Tsunade left this note for us along with a scroll." Shino spoke. "She didn't say where to take it all we heard was a voice we know not of and her moaning." Kiba smirked.

Everyone stayed silent as the two and a dog looked at everyone. Akamaru had somehow managed to soil your garments in the process of running past you. Hiashi glared at them as you flashed your sharingan at the two.

(I gave you Uchiha made for a good way to scare the two.)

Hiashi granted Hinata to go on her mission. She nodded at you and your parents and left to go pack. Shino and Kiba were to ashamed to speak so they went with Hinata.

Your parents turned to you and signed. "This is y/n...she inherited the sharingan from a relationship that happened long ago at the start of our kingdom."

Hiashi's eyes widened as he looked at you and then back to your parents. He then invited you inside.

Hiashi then turned to Neji. "Would you please show princess y/n to her room while I discuss something about the Soiree with her parents."

Neji nodded and took your bags before motioning you to follow him. He wasn't the talkative type...or to much of the friendly type. That was fine with you but if only he could at least say something.

Once you reached an extremely large bedroom Neji sat down your bag.

"Hand me your robe" he demanded.

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