Chapter 5

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After they showed Hailey around a little bit they decided to stop at a shopping center and walk around for a little bit. They stopped at a clothing store and went inside it.

  "Come on. We have to get you a new outfit for your first day of school." Lucas told Hailey.

  "No we don't. I have plenty of clothes that I can wear." Hailey told him.

  "Yes we do. Come on. We are going to get you a new outfit weather  you like it or not." Lauren told Hailey.

  "Fine. There is no use arguing because it is three against one." Hailey told them.

  "Yay come on." Niall said grabbing her hand and running inside.

  Looked around for a while before they decided on an outfit for Hailey. She tried to buy it but Lucas had Lauren and Niall distract her while he went to buy it for her.

  "Really Lucas, I was going to buy that. You did not have to buy that for me. I am going to pay for lunch now and I don't want to hear you sat no." Hailey told him.

  "You sure you want to do that. Niall is going to buy everything on the menu where ever we go." Lauren said.

  "Yeah, I had a job before we moved here so I have money. Come on now let's go get something to eat I am starving." Hailey told them before walking out of the store.

  "I say we go eat at McDonald's." Niall said dragging them in that direction.

  After they all ordered Hailey paid and the four of them sat down to eat. They were talking about random things before Lucas got a text from his mom asking them to head back home because they had been gone for five hours. The four of them finished eating and started heading back to his house. On the way there Lucas noticed that Hailey started falling behind the rent of them.

  "You good Hailey. You are starting to fall behind us." Lucas said to her.

  "Yeah I am fine. I am just starting to get a headache." She told him.

  "When we get back to my house you can lay down for a bit." Lucas told her as they were almost to his house. His mom was waiting by the front door when they got there. After they got inside Lucas grabbed everyone a water bottle out of the fridge and handed one to each of them.

  "How about we watch a movie for a bit. Do you two have to go home today?" Lucas asked Niall and Lauren.

  "No I am free to stay again. My mum doesn't care how long I stay here because she knows I won't do anything bad here." Lauren said.

  "Yeah my mum just assumes I am going to be staying all weekend when I come over to stay one night." Niall said.

  "Well that's great. Let's see if Zach can come over if he is done hanging out with his girlfriend." Lucas told them as he put on a movie.

  Hailey and Lucas laid on one couch while Lauren and Niall laid on the other. They asked Zach to come over and he said he would be over in an hour. Hailey ended up falling asleep and her head was on Lucas' shoulder. He could not help but admire her while she slept. There was a knock on the door and Lucas gently moved Hailey so he could get up and answer it.

  "Hey Zach. We were watching a movie and everyone fell asleep. Be quiet I don't want to wake all of them up." Lucas whisper to him.

  "Who all is over here?" He asked.

  "Lauren and Niall of course. The new kid I told you moved in next door to me also came over."

  "I am not going to stay the night tonight because I am going back to Perry's house later. I just wanted to meet your neighbor before school on Monday."

  "Well come on. I am probably going to wake them up soon because they have been sleep for over an hour." Lucas told him walking into the living room.

  Lucas picked up a pillow and hit Niall and Lauren with it then he went over to the couch to wake up Hailey.

  "Why did you hit us with a pillow. You were so nice to her when you were waking her up." Lauren said.

  "Because I can. I know if I tried to shake the two of you awake I would have a black eye because you get violent when you don't want to wake up. Heck one time you broke my arm because I tried to wake you up. I am not taking chances right now." Lucas told her.

  "What ever. Hey Zach when did you come over?" Lauren asked when he noticed Zach.

  "I just came over right before Lucas woke you up. Anyways. Hi I am Zach it's nice to meet you." Zach said as he put a hand out for Hailey.

  "Hi I am Hailey. I just moved here." Hailey told him.

  "Well you stick with us four and no one will mess with you. Mainly because a lot of people are scared of me and I don't know why." He told Hailey.

  "Maybe because you look like you want to punch some one all the time." She said to him.

  "What I can't help that I have an RBF. It's not like I control it." He defended himself.

  "Anyways. How are you feeling Hailey. Is your headache still there." Lucas asked her.

  "No it's better." She told him.

  "Come on let's watch a movie. We did not get very far into the movie before all of us fell asleep." Niall said.

  They put the movie back on and watched it again. They ordered some pizza and watched the movie. It was not long before Zach said he was leaving. It was the four of them again and they decided to go play some soccer outside again.

  "This is a rematch from yesterday. We will see who is better at playing now." Lauren said.

  "Sure what ever Lauren. We are going to beat you again then you will have to admit that we are better than you." Lucas told her as they started.

  Hailey and Lucas beat them ten to three. It was so much fun watching Lauren got so frustrated everytime Hailey or Lucas would score a goal. When they finished it was getting dark out so they decided to go to bed. Hailey and Lucas went to Lucas' room again while Lauren and Niall slept downstairs on the couch.

  When Lucas woke up he had his arm around Hailey and she was curled into his chest. Lucas laid there for a while before she started to wake up so he closes his eyes and pretended to be asleep again.

  "I know you are awake I saw you watching me." Hailey said.

  "I was not watching you." Lucas lied.

  "What ever come on I am hungry. How about I make us some breakfast."

  "Okay. I will help you though."

  They went down to the kitchen and started cooking. Hailey decided that she wanted to make breakfast tacos so Lucas pulled everything out for her as she was cooking. When she was done Lucas went and woke up Lauren so she could wake up Niall. After breakfast everyone decided that they were going to head home. Lucas drove Niall and Lauren home after Hailey walked home.

  "Okay. I know that the two of you slept in your bed the last two nights. You can not tell me there is nothing happening between the two of you." Lauren said.

  "No there is nothing going on between the two of us. We staid in my room because you two were being all love dove downstairs." Lucas told her.

  "Okay but you still slept with her." Niall said.

  "Yeah but we did not do anything. The most we did was cuddle." Lucas tell them as he pulled up to Lauren's house.

  They both got out of the car and went inside. Lucas drove home and thought about a certain curly haired girl the whole drive home.

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