Chapter 16

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   Normally Lucas am not the kind of person to start a fight but Nick made him so mad. The worst part was that he uses to be on their team. He quit the team after he got injured at the beginning of the year then he transferred schools and joined their team.

  Right before Niall pulled him away from Nick he punched him hard in the face. Lucas instantly regretted it because his hand hurt so much. After he was changed he put his arm around Hailey and they walked out of the locker room.

  "Hey you should really go get your hand looked at. I know that you hurt it when you hit him." Hailey told him.

  "No I am fine. I don't need to get it looked at." He told her.

  "Are you sure. It does not look too good."

  "Fine I will get it looked at if you will leave me alone about it." He told her.

  He had to use the bathroom so he stopped at the one that led out of the school. When he went into the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror. His nose was bleeding and his lip was split open. He know that he should have not gotten into that fight but he will not ever let anyone talk about Hailey like that.

  After he finished in the bathroom he walked back to Hailey. She was waiting for him by their moms. When his mom turned to him she gasped then tried to hide the smile that was spreading across her face.

  "Oh my god Louis what happened to you?" His mom asked trying to suppress her laugh.

  "Are you asking because you want to know or are you asking so that you can laugh at me?" He asked her.

  "I actually want to know. I saw you get into a fight but I don't know what happened. I know that you are not usually the kind of person to get into a fight." Hailey was trying to not laugh beside him.

  "Well you remember Nick who was on the team for a few months before he moved to a new school?" He asked.

  "Yeah what about him?" She asked looking confused.

  "Well after the game he started making fun of Hailey when she ran out to give me a hug and when he did not stop after I told him to, we kinda got into a fight." He told them and everyone looked at him with a serious look on their face.

  "Okay answer this who threw the first punch." Hailey's mom said.

  "He did. I will never start a fight but I defiantly will end one." Lucas told her.

  "Yeah I know that you end them. You hit him so hard you knocked him out. Which reminds me Lucas needs to go get his hand looked at he hurt it when he knocked Nick out." Hailey told them. Lucas was hoping that he would forget about that. Yes his hand hurts really bad but he don't want her to worry about it.

  "Yeah I realized that his hand was hurt when he winced every time you tried to hold his hand I was just waiting for him to say something about it." Lucas' mom told her.

  "Come on I can drive you two to the hospital. I have to take Hailey back there so that he can have his chemo tomorrow before they let him go home for a little bit." Hailey's told Lucas' mom.

  Before his mom respond, Harry and Lucas started racing to her moms car. Hailey only beat him because he tripped on the way there. When Lucas fell he put his hands out to stop him and his hand started to hurt worse. He yelled out in pain and Hailey came over  to help him up.

  "I'm sorry. I should have not raced you to the car." She told him.

  "No it's not your fault Hailey. I was the one who yelled race to your car. Come on let's get in the car it is really cold." He told her.

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