Book 1: Haru to Aiden - Chapter 5

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Tokyo Club Restaurant & Bar was once again busy and jam-packed with customers for a Saturday. Tonight, I estimated about eighty diners already on the premises, enjoying themselves, eating and drinking with family, friends, and loved ones. I was rather glad that neither Jess Taylor nor I were rostered on at the bar area, because that place could get rather rowdy with all the drunk patrons abound. Not to mention some outrageously flirty ones who couldn't seem to keep their hands to themselves. They particularly liked to feel up staff members' backsides, especially Jess', and oddly enough, mine.

Honestly, every time that happened, especially to Jess, it pissed me off because that type of thing was just not on. I had to admit I was very protective of Jess since she was my best friend, and a very beautiful one at that, especially when she was wearing that waitress uniform of a white blouse and black pencil skirt, which perfectly fit her slender figure, showing off her stunning body.

Both Jess and I had started work at three this afternoon, preparing for the opening at five, and ever since, we had been rushed off our feet. Now it was prime time and both of us knew it would only get worse as the hours wore on.

It was about eight when Jess came and collapsed on the vacated chair behind me at the main counter in front of the kitchen. We both were waiting for our next batch of cooked Japanese food to be ready.

I turned around to face her and folded my arms across my chest as I leaned back against the countertop. I chuckled as I said, "You look like you're about to collapse. What's wrong?"

Jess sighed exhaustedly and said, "I think I'm dying, Haru. I swear I'm going to die. I mean it. There is not one hot gay couple in the restaurant. What is wrong with tonight? I need at least one hot gay couple to revive my strength. I swear if there are none by the time we finish at twelve tonight, when I get home, I'm going to binge-read some Yaoi manga until morning."

Jess was a hardcore fujoshi and was obsessed with anything to do with Yaoi or LGBT, be it manga, light novels, anime, or movies. It always amazed me because she looked nothing like the fujoshi type. Jess was a blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty. The type that every guy wanted to date. Except Jess wasn't in the least bit interested in guys in the dating arena. No, she was more interested in seeing guys dating each other. She'd rather be the observer enjoying the blossoming of romance from a good distance without her involvement. That was why she kept nagging at me to confess my feelings to Aiden, because according to her, Aiden and I would make a perfect couple.

Yes, I had told Jess about my feelings for Aiden a few years back. Being my best friend, she had supported me and patiently listened to my whining about my unrequited love story, at times offering her fujoshi guidance on how to best approach this overly complicated relationship I had with Aiden. Listening to her helped keep me grounded because reality was harsh, especially for people like me. Then there were times when she'd teased me to fess up to Aiden and get to the sexy bedroom scene already.

Referring to her binge-reading Yaoi manga, which she notoriously did regularly, I said, "Then you're just going to complain about having headaches again the next day."

"I'll be fine," she replied, brushing my concern aside. "I can totally handle—" She gasped, and her eyes widened. "Holy shit!" she swore, which caused me to jolt in surprise.

"What?" I asked. Was there a fight at the bar? I quickly glanced in that direction but noted that all was well. Turning back to her, I said, "No fights."

Jess looked at me for a moment, as if she was conflicted. I frowned at her, wondering what was wrong.

She sighed and said as she nodded toward the entrance, "Aiden is here."

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