Book 1: Haru to Aiden - Chapter 13

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"Jess, you did that on purpose, didn't you?" I asked as I shut the bedroom door behind me.

Jess turned to look at me, her pajamas in hand.

Ah, I see she came prepared.

She said, "Oh shit! I've upset you, haven't I? I'm so sorry, Haru. I didn't mean to do that. I honestly didn't. If you don't like it, I'll take a taxi home."

I came to sit on the bed and then sighed. "No, it's not that. I mean... Shit... I have to share a bed with Aiden."

Which I hadn't done for a long time.

Jess offered meekly, "I can always sleep on the floor."

"Don't be silly. You sleep here on my bed where it's comfortable. Just don't complain about the smell though."

She chuckled, looking relieved. "I won't. Besides, you don't smell. I know you're clean."

"Why don't you get changed? The bathroom is free."

She nodded and then headed out the door, her pajamas and toothbrush and paste in hand.

Alone, I collapsed on the bed and let out a big sigh.

Shit! I had to share a bed with Aiden tonight, and the thought made my heart race in both dread and excitement. How should I behave?

Normal. I should act like this is natural.

When Jess returned, now in her sleepwear, she asked, "Are you sure it's okay for me to take your bed?"

I nodded. "It's fine." I headed over to my drawers and took out my sleepwear. "Good night, Jess," I said at the door.

She gave me a bright grin, a BL manga in hand. "Good night, Haru. Have a splendid time sharing a bed with your beloved Aiden."

I chuckled. Jess just couldn't miss a chance to egg me on.

I headed out the door and left her to it. I didn't have any doubt she'd be reading until two or three in the morning since she didn't have class until the afternoon.

Across the hallway, I saw Reo seeing his friends David and Evan off at the front door, meanwhile from the dining room, I heard Mason, Lucas, and Carter talking. Across from my room, I heard Isaac discussing with his friends who was going to sleep where, since his room was small. I doubted all four would fit, even if some of them had to sleep on the futons we had as spares.

I was just getting into the bathroom when I heard footsteps coming out of Isaac's room and then Isaac's voice said, "Noah, can Ryan sleep in your room? We can't fit everyone in mine."

Noah snapped back, "Don't be ridiculous. You guys want to stay, you guys make it work."

Reo said, "Noah, don't be such an ass."

I couldn't help but smile. I didn't have any doubt Noah'd give in soon enough. Despite how it looked, Noah had a soft spot for Isaac's friends, especially Ryan.

I heard a big sigh. Then, "Fine!"

"Awesome! Thanks, bro," Isaac said.

After shutting the bathroom door, I started brushing my teeth very thoroughly. I didn't want my breath to stink when sharing a bed with Aiden. Once I was satisfied, I stripped naked and then headed into the shower.

I took my time washing my hair and cleansing my body with shower gel until my skin looked like it could sparkle. After all, I didn't want to smell disgusting when sharing a bed with Aiden. Once dressed, I headed out, and after putting my clothes in the laundry, I was walking along the hallway when I stopped short, feeling a little lost.

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