Book 1: Haru to Aiden - Chapter 9

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Shutting his bedroom door behind him, Aiden leaned his back against the frame. His body felt hot, heavy, and weak. He took a few deep breaths to calm the turmoil of emotions erupting inside him.

"Fuck!" he swore softly under his breath. He had just jerked Haru off. He felt his heart race, and his head was filled with this new sense of thrill, of love, and he felt like he was on cloud nine.

He took another deep breath, and it was only then that reality returned to taunt him that what he had done moments ago was disgustingly wrong.

"Shit!" he swore. "What the hell have I done?"

Had he just taken advantage of Haru when the boy was vulnerable? he wondered. God, was he that desperate? Fuck, he was a despicable adult.

With weak knees, he walked over to the king-sized bed and tiredly collapsed on it. Lying there restlessly while staring up at the ceiling, he wondered how on earth he was supposed to face Haru the next day. Should he act as if nothing had happened?

Yes, he should do that, shouldn't he?

Deep down, however, he knew it wasn't the right thing to do. At least that wasn't Aiden's normal behavior. He wasn't the type to pretend nothing had happened when something had happened. He had always been the type to face his challenge head-on, despite how ugly it was, and now was no different.

He'd have to apologize to Haru, he decided.

He closed his eyes, and once again, the image of Haru—flushed face and bright eyes—emerged in his mind.

Aiden licked his lips, because fuck, the visualization was just so vivid. Haru was too enticing for words, what with his wet hair clinging to his face, blushing cheeks, and milky pale skin. When the picture of Haru sitting there with his legs spread apart, showcasing his aroused penis, came next, Aiden knew he was done for.

"Shit!" he muttered under his breath. He felt both pleasure and guilt as his own cock responded by becoming hard. "This is going to be a long night," he said.

Of course, he tried to sleep but couldn't. By the time dawn arrived, he was more than a little frustrated. Sporting messy blond hair and dark circles under his hazel-green eyes, he got up and changed into his jogging gear.

He needed physical action, and exercise would help ease his agitation.

He headed out his bedroom door, walked across the hallway, and then into the kitchen. He gulped down a glass of cold water and then headed out.

The street was quiet during this time of the morning, and Aiden was glad since there wouldn't be anyone around to disturb him. Of course, when Aiden ran, he was usually deep in thought, and mostly about Haru. And when he thought about Haru, he forgot about everything else, even his surroundings.

He walked down the driveway of their apartment complex and then headed along the streets of their neighborhood toward the park. He ran for a good two hours, slowing down now and again when his heart raced too fast or when he couldn't catch his breath. Usually, this'd be when he was sprinting like the devil was chasing after him, simply because he tried to shut out the thought of Haru, and when he couldn't, he'd get even more agitated.

By the time he was back home, it was seven in the morning, and he was sweating like a pig. After stepping across the threshold of their apartment and shutting the door behind him, Aiden decided he'd stop by the kitchen first before showering, as he was in desperate need of a cold drink.

He was just walking along the hallway when he heard a door open and then shut. Aiden raised his head, and the moment his gaze met that of Haru's, he swallowed hard.

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