Chapter 82

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Manik's POV

" Sleep there without saying a single word. "  I said with authority.

" Where would you sleep, near the fire? "  She asked.

" No!! There... leaning with the door. "

" What?? Why?? " She asked me as If I had lost my mind.

" What if I fall asleep and you walk out? "  I asked.

" What?? Are you out of your mind, Manik Ji, or do you think that I am so stupid that I go out of the room like this?? For God's sake, this place is full of strangers, why would I take a risk of going out at night alone??  And I am not even wearing proper clothes. What is wrong with you?? "  She asked with a shocked expression.

" There is nothing wrong with me, you don't know the reality. So don't overreact, just do what I said. "  I said.

" No!!! Tell me.  How can you think that I would do such a stupid thing in the middle of the night?  "  She insisted.

" Because you wa... Let it be. It is not safe so don't ask questions. " I started telling but stopped. 

" I know about the risks If I go out. I am not a child, stop treating me like one.  Tell me why you assumed that. Do you think I am stupid? "  She was getting annoyed.

" Oh, God!! You are not stupid but actually... you sometimes... Er... start walking while you are asleep. "  I said and she was shocked to hear that. She didn't even react.

" I do what?? " She finally asked.

I should not have told her.

" I mean you don't do it intentionally. But you walk... I have seen you sleepwalking a few times."  I said.

" Really?? When? "  She raised her eyebrow.

" In surat, you were standing in the middle of the dining room and when I asked you a few things, I realised you were sleeping... I mean walking but sleeping. Then in Delhi, you were found sleeping near the pond."  I explained.

She was looking at me as if I was telling her some Alif Laila story.

" Really? Do you think so? " She asked with a smile. I nodded. Her smile turned naughty.

Why ?? What was so funny about it?

" Hmmm! And not just that, you even talk and kiss while sleeping. So I can't take risks with you.  Now get in that bed before I tie you to that bed. "  I said as I had enough of her stubbornness. I was tired for the day.

" Now this is too much... I even kissed and talked while sleeping. How can you say such a thing?? " Her smile was gone and was shocked again.

" It is absolutely true," I said.

" What?? Whom did I kiss?? Whom did I talk to while sleeping? "  She looked scared.

" Me, of course !! Who else lives at the haveli except both of us?  " I said. Her jaw fell and her eyes became even bigger.

" You are such a liar! " She said.

" No, that day, you slept downstairs holding your parents' pictures and I saw you sleeping there and thought of making you lie comfortably. You talked to me thinking that I was one of your parents but then I told you that I was Manik. When I laid you there you wrapped your arms around my neck and kissed my lips. " I said. And she kept looking at me with a shocked expression.

Poor girl... She is shocked beyond a limit.  I should not have told her everything.

" I kissed you on the lips? "  She asked.

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