Chapter 21

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two chapters in a row because you all deserve that.

I wish you all a happy November and hope everything is well in your lives!


from me :))


Cam looked at me and put the key in the lock. He opened the door, led me in and thank God, we were welcomed by silence.

To be sure, I looked right and left.

No one in plain sight.

I might have imagined the light on the third floor.

Cam really helped and saved me.

I turned fully to him and grabbed his arm with my free hand. Cam already looked at me.

His eyes were full of joy and it was impossible not to smile back at him.

Seconds flew by while we were just looking at each other with the biggest smiles on our face. I couldn't believe that he was the person that made me smile so much in these last days. It wasn't like I wasn't smiling or laughing but the ones I've produced while being with Cam were the most genuine ones.

I felt happy.

I opened my mouth but before I could utter a word, someone else's voice reached us. "Yo, Cam, I knew it was you! We're going out, wanna come with us?"

The new voice instantly broke the magic spell on Cam and me. My eyes found the person and it was none other than Henry. Well, I knew it was him. I could never ever forget his voice.

He was coming from upstairs with his girlfriend Juliette. Behind him were Priya, Jake, Franny and lastly Scott in tow.

Henry was wearing a white collared shirt with the first two buttons opened and black trousers.

The same with the other two boys just that Jake was in all black and my brother in black and blue.

The girls were in fancy dresses.

That meant they were going out. Except that Priya and Jake weren't dating or anything but still we all would go like that. Thinking back to those moments, it did look weird that we all sometimes did date nights like this together and even the friends who weren't dating were with us.

I was literally trying to avoid them but now I was face to face with them.

They all descended the stairs with Henry surprisingly being the last one coming down, when he was first before. He looked like a king walking down the stairs in the middle, flanked by his subjects.

When our eyes met, he stopped altogether. I was probably the only one who knew, that he stumbled down the last stair he took before he saw me.

Well, maybe just a fallen queen could make the king falter.

I hadn't seen Henry at all. The last time I saw him was in my weird dreams. Though I still wasn't sure if I really encountered him in my dreams or if it was real.

Now, I looked at him and had just one thought in my mind - he looked handsome.

Damn, my mind!

I mean, my day was already full of craziness, tears, laughter and memories.

Now this?

I could laugh and cry at the same time.

The earth should just swallow me up. Maybe then I could get some peace.

Trying to liveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن