Author's note

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Hi everyone, 

I thought I'd do another author's note because I didn't do one in a long time. 

Well, we reached 22 chapters today and I'm happy that my story is getting forward. I know we still didn't reach the middle part of it but we getting there. Like seriously.

My problem is that I've actually written most of the chapters on a notebook with you know, a pen and on that notebook the chapters differ from here because I've seen somewhere that the maximum count should be like 2000 words, so that it's easy to read....(correct me if I'm wrong)

Anyway, so the next two chapters will bring us to the middle part and the middle part almost involves Em, Henry and Cam, which I'm so excited about and I really want you guys to read that.

Hopefully, I'm able to upload another chapter this week. I probably won't be able to publish the next chapter on the weekend because I'm not home, so I truly try to post one until Friday night. If not, the next chapter will be published next weekend.

Here's to hoping.

I also seriously want to like finish the first book of this story this year but I'm not sure if I'm truly capable enough to do that. Honestly, sometimes or often I just feel like that I'm not good enough.

Like I honestly love writing and like imagining scenes that I could like write. Like I often (seriously everywhere and every time) daydream about stories I wanna write or just like stuff that just comes to my mind and I think like, wow, that's good. 

But then I'm not sure if people will like it or not. So, it's hard. I know, it's not about pleasing people, it's about unfolding yourself and just do the things you like.

And I love writing stories. I might not be the best (I'm surely not). So, there are doubts in my mind that make me feel small but I would often think that I don't want to be best. I know what I write can sound bland and not good enough, but I'm here to enjoy and to enhance myself.  I hope I just can reach the right people that do like the things I write and want to read it

This is kind of my first story I've ever shared. I just want to like publish it because I don't know, I think it's a good enough story. It's a light read with some darker aspects but ultimately it's just about a girl who experienced a lot and doesn't know how to cope with it until everything gets out of order and she has to decide what's the right thing to do.

So yes, ups and downs are necessary to find out what you truly need. 

I do have another story that I'm currently writing (or trying to do) and I'm so obsessed with it because it has all the things that I always search for. But obviously, I can't share much of it because my whole focus right now is on the TTL series.

But once the TTL series is complete, I'm pretty sure that I'll publish this one too.

Anyway, I'm extremely thankful for the 1K. I never thought I'd reach them. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So, here to 2022 and hoping to finish the first book of TTL. 

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