Chapter 7

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Hi, how was your summer?

I know, I know. I didn't update anything and that's probably because I feel unmotivated. But that's gonna change. It's a long chapter - hope you enjoy it and well, we'll see each other next week. *hopefully* 


I smiled and sat down next to Henry. I know, I know. I wasn't really keen on sitting next to Henry but I couldn't sit next to Franny and I really didn't want to be close to Scott. Not after the library talk. I could talk to him but I wasn't ready to acknowledge that he didn't defend himself.

"So what's up?" I asked them just to receive stares as an answer, except from Wyatt. He smiled.

Was it really so hard to talk to me? I mean I tried too. I mean talking to them not to myself, because I did that really often.

"Nothing," Wyatt said as if he was bored, which he might be considering that they talked about boring stuff. "We're waiting for -"

"I saw Mary Badinski at the washroom. Can you believe that?" A voice said. A voice I knew very well.

Leah Sanders walked towards our direction with all her glory. Leah was gorgeous with her dark complexion and dark hair. At school they called her young "Naomi Campbell" - a nickname she was proud to have. 

Since no one answered, I took the duty to do that. "Uhm, yes. She goes to our school," I said obviously. I wanted to say 'Duh' but I remembered I wasn't a 'Duh' girl.

She plopped down in the seat next to mine. So that was her seat. Wait, then whose seat was I sitting in? "Eww, what are you doing here?"

Leah looked at me like I was a walking disease. But that wasn't anything new to me because her dear friends looked at me like that too. "Relaxing myself."

She glared at me but then looked at her drink. "That's not what I wanted." She stated.

"Yeah, well, I gave you the drinks you always order." I said bored because I felt bored. 

"Stalkerish much?" Leah asked, looking at her long manicured nails.

"Not really. It's called 'knowing what your daily costumer wants to drink'," I smirked. "Besides, poor Priya was near a meltdown. There was a queue behind her - an angry, sighing and shoe tapping mob of costumers. The only thing that was missing was the screaming."

Priya gave me a sour look. "Thanks for the glorious details no one wanted."

"Your welcome," I grinned and winked at her.

And again silence followed me until Juliette broke the ice. "I'm hungry. Let's look at the menu," she said to Henry. 

Well, fine, she wasn't talking to me but to Henry and when she talked to him, her face softened. But who cares? I mean, my face softens when I see puppies and no one cares about that. So, obviously I didn't care about her or Henry, when I leaned over to him to get a better look at the menu even if I knew it by heart. 

At first, he didn't acknowledge me because his focus was solemnly on Juliette. So, I stared at him. Henry was far too handsome for this world. Who could be that handsome and not be an alien?

He had the perfect face to be a model or an actor, even if it sounded so cliche. His face was strong and defined, he had a prominent jaw, razor-sharp cheekbones and the most beautiful green eyes that he inherited from the famous Lakewood line. The Avillas were known as the handsome line - I swear they were like characters out of a book - probably because they were related to royal blood as in with Andrew van Lakewood. The only thing we both had in common was that we both had dimples - I had two dimples (well my left one was more prominent than my right one, but the right one existed) and he had one on his left cheek. 

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