Chapter 12~ The Effect of The Red Eye

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I looked at Sky in shocked and flashed back to what had happened with Minx last time. Sky came up to me but instead of abusing me, he grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt and dragged me to the rood as I was losing air as he did. The glow of his eyes caused fear to paralyze me. He held my hood over the edge of the roof, letting my body and my feet dangle, three stories high. I was desperate for air and tried making Sky let go, just so I could fall and live. I gave myself ten seconds of air left before my lungs would give up. My hands grabbed Sky's arm and tried to make him let go but that failed.

"" Were the only sounds I could make without letting out excess air out.

His eyes tinted a glow of nothing for a moment.

"Le.......o...." I continued to plead.

His eyes went normal and his hand released my hood. Now, the only problem I had was the height. Last time, the only reason I was able to survive the fall, was because I had shoes on. When I go to sleep, I go to sleep with nothing on my feet because I like the breeze on them. As I plummeted to the earth, I looked up and saw Sky watching me.

"I'm sorry!!" The man shouted in the dark.

I just watched as he got further and I looked back to see the ground, five feet from my body. My back hit the earth and the air was knocked out of me. I gasped for air as my back settled on the hard ground. I stood up and looked around in the dark to find no one around. I just decided to go back inside and see if I can sleep it off. I got to the bedroom and saw Sky sitting with his legs crossed on his bed, twiddling with his thumbs. I breathed deeply and sat in the corner alone. Ty had gone back to his own bed. I made a mental note in my head.

"When seeing the 'Red Eye', do not look back." Echoed into the emptiness of my head.

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