Chapter 22~Countdown and Birthdays

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I laid in the silk sheets of Ty's bed with a dim red light in front of me. The day was now becoming normal with the sun and the moon revolving. The red countdown red 19:16:05 and continued to go down. I shifted and turned within the confinements of Ty's arms. I ended up laying with my face towards him and inches away from his own face.

"Oh Ty you little child...." I said softly moving the hair away from his face.

I smiled as Ty snored lightly. A bed creaked as the countdown went to 18:20:32. I looked around and saw Yami walking down the stairs and stopping at the ground floor. My eyes shot back at Ty and I slid my way out slowly out from his arms. I tiptoed my way to Yami and saw him in the kitchen with an arpon on and eggs and bacon and...dear god I wanna eat it all. There was pancake batter, eggs, bacon, and fruit. I smiled to the relief of me not being chef for the day and Krism woke up. She straight up walked up to me and paused to look me in the eyes. I looked back a little puzzeled and she grabbed me by the collar of my sweatshirt and pulled me towards her face. My eyes widened as she did so.

"Um...Morning Krism?" I said a little worried.

She devishly smiled and kissed me, like officially. Like on the lips and shit. I couldn't breath. I pushed her away and frowned intensely as she walked away like it was fucking nothing.

"Krism what the fuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk....." I said in a hushed voice.

She looked and me and made a shush gesture with her finger. I felt my face become warm and turn red.

"Krism you fucked up my chance for my first kiss with a girlfriend what the fuck is wrong with you?" I said more furious.

"Lets say I know you aren't gonna get a kiss from anyone else." She said peacefully and walked outside.

I looked at Yami and saw he was staring at me.

"Yami I want fucking pancakes and bacon just god damn cook." I said to him.

He went back to cooking as I went back upstairs. I saw the countdown and it was down to 6:03:24. What the hell was making it accelerate and why the hell did Krism kiss me and why the hell haven't the others woken up yet? So many questions I had.

"Chris man!" Everybody got up in unison and gave me a mini heart attack.

Everybody laughed and went to the calender on the wall.

"Ya know what today is?" Sky asked.

"No..not really." I said trying to catch my breath.

"ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!" Minx said excitedly with a bottle of beer already in her hand.

I felt claustrophobic. Everybody surrounding me with hugs and the clock at 2:50:35. The day grew older and older. I just wanted this to be over but before I could go to the bedroom at 8:49 PM, Ty stopped me.

"Krism kissed youuuu." He said.

"No shut up." I told him.

"Why? Its natural." Ty told me.

I facepalmed myself and walked inside to find the clock was at 00:01:42. Everything came to a halt in my mind after that.

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