Chapter 27

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Playlist: Darkside by Neoni. Enjoy reading!

      Fleurie hurried back to her chambers, fuming. She was beyond angry. Nothing was working! Slamming the door behind her, she let out a muffled scream, gritting her lips! It frustrated her to no end. That didn't work to help alleviate her anger. Needing an outlet, she began throwing things to the ground, watching as they shattered to the ground.

      There was just no way! How could she be stubborn?Sitting in the middle of the rubble, Fleurie gnawed her lip, tears stinging her eyes. She angrily blinked them back. Why isn't anything working? Is she really that invincible?

       No, there has to be something that makes her tick. Something that'll cause her to make a mistake. No human is perfect. Fleurie sat for so long, working all the wheels on her head. Eventually, just when she was about to give up, an idea trickled into her head. One that made a sinister smile crawl up her face, removing her anger and filling her with glee..

      Why didn't I think of this earlier? Fleurie wondered as she stood up to her feet. It was the perfect plan. This time, she was sure it will work.
      The day drifted to an end and Maya was exhausted. She'd gone back to her office and spent hours studying, yet there was little improvement. She was still struggling but she knew with time she would get better. That thought firmly placed in her head, Maya decided to retire for the day. This time however, she would be heading to Dexter's chambers.

       When she got there, she found out that Dexter hadn't finished his work. Nevertheless, his chambers was open for her to use. It was there she decided to have her bath and dinner. It was quiet but strangely peaceful. By the time she was through, Dexter still hadn't returned. Missing him, Maya contemplated going to see him but shook it off almost immediately. They already spent most of the afternoon together, she didn't want to come across as clingy. She debated in going back to her chambers but changed her mind. That wouldn't work either.

       She slipped under the covers. Wrapped in his scent and longing for him, Maya found herself falling asleep. She didn't know when he arrived but she knew when he joined her on the bed, wrapping his arms around her. She'd been having a nightmare.  He'd gently woken her, a soft smile on his face, his eyes tired. " It's okay. I'm here." He murmured, his low voice soothing. " Go to sleep."

       Glad to see him, Maya moved closer to him, breathing him in. All of her jumbled nerves settled and she soon drifted back to sleep, this time devoid of nightmares. When she woke up the next morning, Dexter was nowhere to be found. Swallowing bitterly, she realised he had probably begun his day. She's beginning to feel the pangs of his absence.

     Still, she was grateful he makes out time to spend with her. She didn't know how she'd live if he was cold and distant. She dragged herself out of the bed, getting ready for her day. A knock came on the door, interupting her.

      " Come in..." She called out. Her handmaids arrived, bowing their heads. She regarded them with a nod of her head. They immediately set to work along with other maids, helping her run her bath and lining up her dress. Her breakfast was brought in but unfortunately, Maya could stomach very little this time. Maya shuddered, knowing the symptoms for what they were. She tried forcing herself to eat more but it only caused her to feel more uncomfortable. Giving up, she asked them to clear the plates.

        Maya let them wash her, dress her up. Today it was a purple satin gown that flowed from the waist down and was adorned with diamond sequins and diamonds. Draped in a cape, they braided her hair, fixing jewels on it. Maya gazed at herself in the mirror, glad at her transformation. Finished with her morning abulations, Maya started to go to her office. Her handmaids were right behind her.

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