Chapter 50

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Playlist: The search by NF

     The very next day, a meeting was called upon with the members of the Royal council. The message has been passed across to the them and they habe spent the last few hours arguing back and forth, telling the king not to do it but was he listening?

     The letter had confirmed two things. One, the Queen was still alive and well and Gavin had indeed betrayed the kingdom and wants a war unless the king fulfilled his requirement. He had already sent a scroll requiring the king's signature to passing the kingdom to him for the Queen.

      "We can attack him! No need to listen to that idiot's threat!" The minister of defense roared, glancing at his colleagues. A few of them nodded in support while the rest of the groaned in disapproval.

       "If we do that, the queen will die." Another noble shot back, countering him.

       "We've already found their base, we can have someone sneak into there and rescue the queen, no need to sign that stupid thing." He stressed again.

        "This is not a decision we can make in a hurry! We need time to think about this! We don't know how powerful the enemy we're facing here is." Someone spoke up and there was another uproar among the council once again.

        "Silence. All of you." The king's voice boomed over the uproar and everyone stopped talking. This is the first time in hours that he had spoken. They exchanged glances at themselves before looking at the king.

       He turned to Geoffrey who was standing by his side. "Hand me the scroll."

       Geoffrey bowed and did as he was told. The nobles watched in surprise and confusion. What was the king about to do? Once geoffrey returned with the scroll, Dexter collected it from him, rolling it open.

      He placed a feather on the ink bottle in front of him and began writing something into the scroll. "Your majesty!" The minister of defense let out in a strangled voice. "You can't possibly be doing this! You're going to offer the whole of Madonia to that man? That is preposterous!!"

       Dexter barely listened to has he continued with his scrolling. Once he was done, he rolled the scroll back up and glared at the minister who spoke. Placing his hand on his chin, he started to speak.

        "You all claim to die for your kingdom if the opportunity arises, yet we've been here for the past five hours and none of you have to come to any conclusion of what step we should take. Instead, you've all been requesting for more time to think things through."

       Leaning forward, he narrowed his eyes. "I don't have that. Every second I spend here knowing Maya is in danger is torturous. You have no idea how painful it is to sit down here and listen to all of you speak."

       Dexter stood up on his feet. "Tomorrow, we march down to battle. And yes, I'm exchanging the whole of Madonia for her. I will not be listening to anymore suggestions. This meeting is over. Just pray she isn't dead before I get there, of you are all in trouble." On that note, Dexter stormed out of the room, flanked by guards, leaving all the nobles present in complete shock.
      Maya laid on the ground, curled into herself as she shivered uncontrollably. She had cried herself to sleep the night before and was the feeling the consequences at the moment. Apart from the body numbing cold, her head was pounding and it was a struggle to keep her eyes open. Every time she tried to move, her lower body will begin hurting, making it impossible to even stand. She turned around on the floor, staring at the entrance of the tent, tears welling up in her eyes. Blinking them back, she forced herself to sit.

       Soon a soldier walked in, bringing in a tray of food. Lowering it to the ground in front of her, he started to leave when Maya called him back. "I c-can't." Maya forced out, her voice scratchy. "My hands are tied."

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