Chapter 39

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       It was already late by the time Maya finished with her duties and headed back to the chambers, exhausted. Rubbing her stiff neck, she trudged to the bed where she checked on Dexter who was still unconscious. She swallowed the lump growing in her throat, placing the back of her hands on his forehead.

    His body was still burning hot, sweat covering his body. His face contorted in pain which in no doubt he probably is in. At her instructions, Rosa had already left a bowl of cold water and a fresh towel after cleaning up the place.

   Using the basin the of water by the side of the bed, she began to clean up the sweat that had formed on his body. While she cleaned, he stiffened, his body tensing all over. She would stop before carefully continuing.

   This reminded her of the time in the villa where they had first met, she thought smiling sadly to herself. She'd taken care of him like this too. After patting everywhere visible with the cold towel, she dropped it, heaving a sigh. She was so tired. When she was through, his body temperature had dropped but she knew he would be sweating soon.

   Moments later, he stirred, his eyelashes fluttering open. With dazed eyes he stared at her.  She let out a small smile, shoving down all her hurt.  "Hey." She whispered, pushing away the hair sticking to his face with her hands. " How are you?" She asked, her voice soft.

    " I'm fine.." he answered, his voice gruff. He glanced at her. "Im still alive?"

   "Yes. You'll be fine. You were treated by the doctors already." She answered.
   He fell silent for a while, lost in thoughts "Everywhere hurts." He abruptly said.

   Maya lips twitched but didn't quite form a smile. "I'm sorry about that. You'll get better. Your body is just weakened by the poison."

   " Here, have this" Maya gestured, passing him a bowl filled with potions. " The doctor said I should give this to you once you woke up." He collected the bowl from her. "It might leave you disoriented but will help with the aftereffects of the poison. He said he'll be here to check on you tomorrow."

     He drank the medicine, squeezing his face at the bitter taste. Finishing the contents, he pushed back to her and she collected it,.placing it back on the table. She passed him a glass of water and he drank it. He settled on the bed, closing his eyes.

    She slid her hands into his, watching as he held it weakly. "You should rest, I'll be here." She spoke, her voice soothing.He glanced at her as if to say something but stopped himself. After watching her for so long, closed his eyes.
     His breath soon evened out and Maya thinking he had slept, stepped closer, gently caressing his face. Gentle, feather-like touches. She didn't know how long she stood there, just watching him. She was about to leave when his hand tightened on hers, his eyes snapping open. She stopped, glancing back at him. Although he was looking at her, Maya didn't think he recognized her.

    "Mother?" He croaked, his voice barely audible. She paused, staring at him. Was he mistaking her for his mother? Maya wondered but then again, It must be the effects of the drugs he had been fed with. She blew out a breath.

      All of a sudden his face crumbled and tears filled his eyes. "I'm sorry." He muttered, his voice breaking, filled with anguish. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry you had to die like that, I'm sorry..." He mumbled, tears leaving his eyes as he drifted off to sleep, his hand still holding hers.

     Maya stood frozen, shocked at the raw pain she heard from his voice. Her throat closed up and she felt her eyes stinging as well. Taking several calming breaths, she felt the anger surging up in her once more. She clenched her fists, her body trembling. Whoever did this to him are really going to pay.
     Fluerie stood by the window of her dingy inn room, nervously chewing her bottom lip. Since yesterday, she had expected an uproar about the death of the king to be going round but up till now, there was nothing. It could only mean one thing, the king wasn't dead yet. She groaned, running her hands through her hair.

    That made her worried and she began having second thoughts. What if he hadn't done anything? If the person she'd didn't succeed... She didn't even want to think about it. It could only mean dangerous things for her. There was no way she could ask him now since they already parted. Once again, being in the dark like this was threatening to drive her crazy.

     She'd been staying in a rundown hill for quite a while now since she ran away from home. Her sole purpose being to get revenge on Maya for ruining her life and she was quickly running out of money. She couldn't live under this apprehension without the assurance that her objective had been fulfilled.

     Her eyes caught something and she stiffened, her blood running cold. There were palace guards approaching the inn where she stayed. What are they doing here? Are they looking for her?! Her heart pounding, Fleurie began pacing around her room, filled with fear. No, she can't let them catch her. She needs to escape from her. Hurriedly wearing her cloak, she picked up a few of her things andsneaked out of her room. Running towards the backdoor, she tried to be quiet as possible  Already she could hear the raised voices off the knights downstairs and she grew even more scared. She needs to escape from here!

    She finally go to the backdoor after successfully slipping past the knights and was heaving sigh of relief. She opened the door and stepped outside when swords came unsheathed, flying towards her neck. She stood frozen in terror. There were knights here as well.  She swallowed, her heart dropping to the ground.

       There's no escape. She'd been caught.

I was almost tempted to not write anything today, but I've been surrounded with nothing but love these past few days.
It's a short chapter, but I feel like it's better than nothing.
That said, Merry Christmas!!!
See you in the next chapter!!!🙈🙈🙈


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