Chapter 29

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Just like that, a week flew by and seasons slowly changed. All the green leaves and began changing and the air had grown colder. Fall was arriving. Everyone seemed to get busier as a result.

But things weren't looking up for Maya. Although she was working twice as hard, there still seemed to be little progress. All of a sudden, the management grew complicated and she found herself making more mistakes than before. Having to correct her accounts multiple times had taken a hit on her pride. She had seen the disappointed look of the Royal accountant more times than she was willing to admit. Her mind conjured up images of Dexter being disappointed in her and it only made her feel worse.

As a result, she'd grown more irritable. Her nightmares had doubled and no matter how much Dexter prodded her, she refused to tell him what was going on. She firmly believed she could do it by herself and hoped things would get better.

They didn't. One morning, while she was dressed by the maids, one of them tripped and poured a jar filled with powder on her body. Maya who had been barely gotten any sleep the night before due to her nightmares, stiffened, her eyes narrowing.

" I'm so sorry, your majesty!" She shrieked out, hurriedly cleaning it off. Maya stepped away from her. She reached forward, still trying cleaning it off and somehow she managed to make it worse. It rubbed Maya the wrong way. She glared daggers at the maid but still managed to calmly ask her to stop. " Let Claire handle it." She said.

The maid refused, shaking her head as continued.
" I am sorry, your majesty. Let me do it."

" Step away from me." Maya gritted underneath her breath, closing her eyes, taking calming breaths. Everyone else stepped away from her except for the maid.

" Let me clean it your majesty." She tried again, reaching for the queen.

Maya snapped. " I said stop!" She screamed, pushing her away. She fell to the ground with a thud, her eyes widened in surprise and fear, everyone else flinched. Maya stifled a groan, rubbing her forehead.

" All of you, get out!" She ordered. They Immediately rushed out of the room, picking up the fallen maid from the floor. " Claire, Olivia. Stay."

Maya began heaving, her body trembling underneath her dress. She had started to get flashbacks of her torturous past at the Gegoria palace. She closed her eyes tight to shut put the memories. When she finally had a semblance of control, she stared at the worried faces of her handmaids. She whirled around, facing the mirror.

" Get me out of this clothes." She said calmly.

They immediately sprung into action, removing the stained clothes and giving her a new one. As the worked, they glanced worriedly at each other.

They'd seen Queen grow more irritable and had felt pity for her. Other maids however don't share the same sentiment. Thanks to the rumors, they still thought she was mean.

By the time they finished, Maya's color had still not improved. She'd grown faint and her face was still pale. She looked like she would drop dead. Olivia and Claire stepped away, wringling their hands in worry.

" Would you like a walk, your majesty?" Olivia asked, peeking at the queen. Maya shook her head, her face hard as granite. She was still angry and she didn't want to run into Fleurie or Dexter if she went on a walk. But she knew if she stayed indoors, she would only grow more agitated.

" How about a change of scenery?" Claire suggested. " How about we take somewhere that isn't the palace?"

That seemed to get Maya thinking. " What are your suggestions?" Maya finally asked, glancing at her.

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