Chapter 14 - Looking For Answers

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Dawn breaks and I find myself in the same place I had been for the past two hours. I wrap my arms around my body, trying to force out the cold. Misty puffs of smoke escape my lips with each breath. My fingers turn cold and frigid as they make contact with trembling skin; I blow hot breaths into pale hands, trying to breathe warmth and feeling back into numb fingertips.

Nothing like huddling outside a police station wearing shorts and a t-shirt when it's less than 20° out because the weatherman got the forecast wrong.

While I stand, shivering, I look around my surroundings. The lot was mostly vacant, save for about five or six cars scattered about. The streetlamps by the road flickered gently, a faint electric hum coming off of them and filling the air with a twinge of electric white noise. The lights inside the police station were on, but the inside had no activity at all. The double doors made out of metal and glass were locked tight, keeping the world out. Even when I knocked on the glass and called out for those who might be inside, I got no response. Which is odd because aren't Police stations supposed to be open 24/7?

I mean, I can't blame them if they are closed. It's like 3:00 in the morning right now. And honestly if it weren't for the current circumstances keeping me up, I wouldn't be awake right now either. But since there is a special thing going on, here I am; Slowly becoming a human popsicle where I stand.

My eyes dart back to the barren road, my mind trying to will a car into existence. But of course, there's nothing. Nobody walking the street, no graveyard-shift workers making their way home after a long night, no early risers aiming to get an early start to the day. It's creepy, being out and about in town this early when nobody else is. It feels like I've tripped into some weird alternate dimension where I'm the only one left.

A gust of wind blew, making me shrink into my skin. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and hugged my arms around my chest, trying to brace the cold away. When the wind subsided, my tension eased, but agitation took its place. I found myself muttering curses under my breath and glaring at the almost entirely vacant parking lot, angry that the person I'm waiting for still isn't here.

"Where the hell is he?" I mutter to myself in a low growl. While taking in a sharp inhale of frigid air, my shoe begins tapping a repetitive rhythm on the concrete sidewalk, creating a little beat that plays in time with my frustration.

I mean, really, why the hell would the Chief of Police leave me a voicemail saying 'Hey I want to meet up ASAP and talk about the case with you.' and then completely vanish when I try to return his call? What's even more infuriating is that his voicemail is full! I can't even leave him a message telling him I'm here! Clear your messages, old man!

'Well, why didn't you just show up when it's time for his shift?' I hear you asking. And to that I say;


But also how the hell am I supposed to know when he's scheduled to work? So, fuck you.

Being home is the last place I want to be right now anyway, so the excuse to be away is a welcome one; even if it means potentially getting frostbite. Waiting at the Precinct is just an excuse to avoid some responsibilities. I'm mostly just frustrated that I can't wait inside!! I'm freezing my ass off here! Open the doors, fuckwads! I turn and kick the metal frame, causing an instant flash of pain to spread through my toes.

After another 30 minutes of angry swearing and lonesome shivering, I see a car pull up and park itself just before me. The door opens and a newly familiar face steps out. He's an older man with crows feet around the eyes and laugh lines framing his mouth. He removes his fur lined cap, slicks back thinning silver hair, and returns the hat to it's rightful place. A brown leather jacket covers his shoulders and torso, making him look rather comfortable in this awful weather. He's not as built as the younger officers I've seen around here, but his age showcases an experience they still lack. He turns his attention to me, a solemn look leaving his overgrown eyebrows upturned while tired eyes sink into his face. As soon as he gets out of the car, I face him and wait until he notices me, and boy does he notice me quick. It's about time he got here!

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