Chapter 16 - Conflict Of Interest

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My head rests against the window, the rumbling of the bus shaking my tired mind. After Jack and I agreed that we'd go find the book, it was decided that maybe the campus he used to attend would be a better start than the ritual site. According to him, they aren't even that far from each other, so if nothing turns up at his old campus, we can go to the actual site later.

I'm currently sitting on a bus, alone, eyes staring out the window and watching the scenery pass. I did wish Jack could sit on the seat beside me, but even when I suggested alternative face coverings to hide himself, he refused to take off his mask. So, we're traveling together, but separate. I'd take the public transportation and Jack would...I dunno, run through the trees beside me, I guess? He didn't specify, but I do know he's close by. Everytime the bus stops or I transfer lines, he's there; usually hidden in a treeline or some dark corner only I'd think to look in. And honestly...If I weren't so oddly adjusted to everything Jack ™ , I'd probably have a heart attack, seeing him half hidden by shadows. He's very good at being creepy, that's for sure.

My eyelids feel heavy, and as I slowly start nodding off, a realization hits. Jack had given my phone back, but I've been too distracted by all this curse nonsense to turn it back on. I fish through the bag on my lap, hands pushing aside the familiar contents I had brought with me, just in case (along with a few new additions). I finally found the damn phone -hidden at the bottom of course-, and wrench it out. I quickly turn it on, and suddenly watch as a barrage of notifications come surging in.

People have been blowing up my phone, friends, family, but one name beats out the rest by a landslide. My chest both warms with comfort and aches with pain at seeing her name, right beside a literal hundred notifications. At first the messages are more direct; Where are you? What happened? Are you safe? But as the days passed on, it felt less like she was talking to a person and more like she was keeping a journal themed around my memory. She says she's scared, that she misses me, that even though people are taking it seriously there's still no progress being made, she tells stories of when we were younger and how I got that awful nickname I still haven't been able to shake.

She asks me to come home, claiming it's so empty without me there.

I bite down on the flesh inside my cheek to distract from the tears burning my eyes. I solemnly start typing an answer, but stop myself before anything gets sent.

Can I do this? Can I answer her?

Will I be putting Jack in danger? Won't they be able to track us? Is my phone being on already making me a liability? If it were any other situation I wouldn't be hesitating so much, I'd be answering Adi right away no matter what.

...But I promised. I promised I'd help and I meant it.

With a bitter taste on my tongue I turn the phone off and shove it back into it's previous hiding place. I'll talk to Jack about it later, but for now, let's play it safe.



Three little dots.

It was all I cared about now.

It happened while I was staring at the messages I've been sending Sweets. As usual, I've been missing them. Reading our old conversations gave me a bittersweet comfort, like they weren't so far away. If I read their old words, I felt closer to them.

But then the dots popped up. A short animated ellipsis that told me the other half of the conversation was typing.

I shot up in bed, glaring down the phone in hand to make sure I wasn't imagining it. I took a screenshot to be sure my guilt and grief weren't playing tricks on me. Then, I watched. And watched. I held my breath and hoped.

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