Chapter 5 - Territory

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Eyeless Jack ran for the door before I could even register what was happening.

My heart dropped to my stomach at the thought of whatever it was that made him so on edge, and with the understanding that maybe I didn't want to know, I did what Eyeless Jack ordered.

I threw myself backwards on the mattress, my eyes clamped shut while I tried to remain as motionless as possible. My curiosity was burning for me to look out the window and see just what was out there. It kept scratching through my thoughts, clawing its way to the surface.

But the dread ensured that I didn't listen.

I heard his footsteps fade away, running through the broken down building, only to be picked back up faintly from somewhere outside. Then, I heard a hellish sound. It was inhuman, deep and guttural as it cried out like a wounded animal. I had to bite down on my tongue to keep a whimper from escaping through my lips. Every muscle in my body was trembling as a response to the creature's cries of pain.

What the hell made that?

My breathing became harsh and I hopelessly wished that I had my inhaler right now. The dust and dirt coating this room like a fog, along with the fear of the situation, was more than enough to jump-start an asthma attack. I frantically clasped my hands -or well, my free hand- over my mouth to silence myself as best I could.

Fear tightened around my lungs like a vice grip and I found it incredibly hard to breathe in.

My biggest concern wasn't the asthma attack, but the wheezing that might come of it. What if the creature hears me? What if it finds where I'm bound? I'm tied to the bed so I can't run or fight for myself. And what about Eyeless Jack? He seemed freaked out when he saw this thing. Does that mean even he's afraid of it? If that's the case, where does that leave me?

The sound of flesh tearing broke me from my thoughts. I jolt up, fearing the worst, only to freeze when my masked captors last message bloomed into my vision:

'Don't look outside, NO MATTER WHAT. Lay down, don't move, and keep your eyes shut.'

I force my body back against the stiff mattress, my stomach twisted into all sorts of knots of dread. I squeezed my eyes tighter, praying they'd be cemented shut if I pressed hard enough.

I held my free hand against my heart, nearly to the point where my own bones were digging into my chest cavity, to silence the unruly pounding. My heartbeat filled my ears to the point that I could barely even hear myself think. I silently begged my body to quiet this rhythmic drumming in my ears, though my body denied the request. Even with the deafening drum-beats of my heart, I still hear my masked captor from behind the window. His shoes scraping against concrete followed by heavy claws breaking wood apart did nothing to calm me.

I think he's fighting the creature that emanates those heart-wrenching cries?

That doesn't make me feel good at all! What if he loses? What will become of me then? Will the creature find me next? I don't want to die here! I'm not good with pain!

While I continued struggling to breathe, I caught myself in my panic and reminded myself to calm down. I take bigger, slower breaths rather than small, quick ones. My chest loosens a bit, but it's not much. At this point I can't stop the asthma attack from happening. Instead, all I can do is keep it from getting worse.

The sounds from outside aren't helping, either. The screams sound so much louder now. They're definitely fighting, and they're definitely closer, but I can't tell which one is winning.

A tree breaks into splinters, the sound of cracking wood filling the air a second time. My body jolts on instinct because of it.

What is happening out there?! Is this a fight to the death or something? If Eyeless Jack dies, the only person who knows about me will be gone. And if the creature doesn't find me, I'll be left tied to the bed where I'll either starve to death or succumb to dehydration.

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