Chapter 10 - Saving Daylight

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Day 1:

I roll my head to the side, feeling my eyes wake up with me and focus on the world just beyond my eyelashes. Everything around me had been dusted with a faint strawberry pink to signify the early morning. The sun wasn't fully out yet, but was just starting to creep over the horizon. I glance down at the watch around my wrist; 3:13 AM.

Of course. Of course I woke up before my alarm. What's the point of even setting one?

With a crooked moan I throw my feet over the edge of the bed, accidentally sending the heavy chain clattering to the floor in the process. I wince a bit with the sound. It's far too early for such a racket.

I push myself up from the torn and shredded mattress, my neck feeling stiffer than the concrete beneath me. I reach a hand up to rub the place above my spine, finding myself wishing I had Eyeless Jack's chilling hands to soothe this irritation just beneath the skin.

While I sat fighting with myself and my body, I heard a faint tapping come from outside the heavy hallway door. It was much softer than anything I'm used to hearing in this place. What is that?

With my curiosity alerted, and my mind prompting to take the reins of my movement; I coil the chain around my shoulders like a python and slink up to the door. I press my ear against the wood, trying to make out the distinct kind of sound that would make such and odd tapping.

Is it water dripping? No, there's no signature splash of the droplet hitting the floor.

Is it an old window hidden somewhere inside, being blown about by a breeze? Nah, that's not right either. I'd hear a creaking moan, or the straining of wood that hasn't been used in years.

What is it, then? What is it? I'll lose my mind if I don't get an answer.

The tapping stops and I pause at the sudden silence, pulling away from both the entrance and my shock. Okay, I know I asked for an answer, but I don't want it like this.

A few seconds pass before I lean against the door once again, waiting for the soft clinking to arise. The eerie silence grows louder and louder, to the point that all I can hear is my own heartbeat pounding inside my ears. I press against the door even closer, resting all of my weight on it, desperate for some other sound to make itself known or for the tapping to start up again.

A thundering knock sent ripples through my ear canal, making my head spin from the vibrations. I reflexively slap a hand over my ears to stop the sudden rattling of my brain. My teeth cinched down on my tongue to silence the cry trying to escape me. After the ringing stops, I jump up in a panic, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Frantically, I look around the room, trying to find something to hide behind, as per Eyeless Jack's instructions. Unlike with Masky, he isn't going to just show up and make a heroic entrance to save me here, so I need to be careful.

Unfortunately there's not many places to hide in; considering that this is just a room with three furniture pieces, and a weird side bathroom.

!! Oh! The bathroom!!

With a smack to the forehead for not catching on earlier, I gather up the remaining loose chain hanging off of me and sprint for the restroom.

Bathrooms have doors, and doors can be shut!

I quickly forced myself inside the tiny extension to my room, letting the chain scatter to the floor around me before turning my attention back to the entrance behind me. I try to close it, but the chain blocks its path, keeping it open slightly.

Oh, heaven help me! I forgot about physics!! Of course the chain would keep the door from shutting all the way! I'm so stupid! If whatever's out there opens the door, it's going to notice the very obvious chain leading straight to me. This is a shit place to hide! I used to be so good at Hide-N-Seek, what happened?!

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