Chapter Three

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THOMAS AND I immediately stared outside the car window where the knock came from.

"Hi. I'm the horny police," Annabelle said waving at us from the sidewalk.

Thomas and I looked at ourselves for a second, then burst out laughing. My heart had almost stopped working at that second.

"I was so scared," I said to Annabelle as I got down from Thomas's car.

Annabelle Kimura, a tall slim young lady with monolid eyes. She was pale and had the perfect skin while her slim jawline accentuated her feminine facial features.

Yes, she was a model.

Since she was wearing a cropped suit jacket, I could see her waist and how tiny it was. Her bare skin was clean of markings, except for her right waist side where there was a three-day-old temporary tattoo of a vertical Japanese inscription.

Well, I didn't exactly understand Japanese, so I could not say what it meant.

"You should be," Annabelle replied, "Kissing in front of a single lady like myself is illegal."

"No, it's not," I laughed.

"Did her coworker also call you?" Thomas inquired from Annabelle.

"Who? And why?" She asked.

"Wait, no one called you? So, why are you here?" Thomas asked, bewildered.

"Uhm," Annabelle pulled me by my shoulder to herself, "She's my friend?"

"Righttt," Thomas sarcastically replied.

I couldn't help but snicker.

"So, what's this thing about some coworker calling?" Annabelle asked.

"Wendy fainted," Thomas casually dropped the bombshell without any sort of warning.

"Well, not like it's that big of a deal," I added, trying to calm Annabelle down.

"You fainted? Why?" Annabelle yelled, staring at me wide-eyed.

"I would also like to know that," Thomas added, also staring at me.

"You two are acting like my parents," I said, "I'm fine! Okay?"

I twirled around several times, then stopped to stare at Thomas and Anna with dizzy eyes, "See? Fine!"

"Spinning around doesn't mean everything's alright with you, Wendy. If you were alright, you wouldn't have passed out. You're meant to be resting in your apartment right now and not using the drops of energy left in you to kiss some guy."

"Her boyfriend," Thomas corrected.

Annabelle rolled her eyes, "Go home, Mr. Her boyfriend. I'll take care of her properly."

She dragged me off into the alley while I waved at Thomas. With an amused smile on his face, he waved back at me before he drove off in his car.

Annabelle and I walked down the alley, staring at the buildings on each side. It was evening time, so the alley had started to appear a bit dark.

"But really, I hope you're fine," Annabelle started, "You're looking a little lean in my eyes."

She picked up my hand and shook it, causing my arm to wobble like jello. I laughed from how ticklish it was and released my hand from her gentle grip.

"I'm fine, trust me," I said.


"And you shouldn't go around kissing people when you're not feeling too well," Annabelle added as we walked into my two-storey apartment building and climbed up the stairs.

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