Chapter Fourteen

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MY EYES WIDENED in sheer dismay. His words seemed to have crashed into me hard as my heart began to ache with every beat. I never expected such crushing words to come out of Thomas's mouth. As long as I did what I was meant to and tried to be good enough for him, I thought we would be fine.

So, how did we get here?

"It was awesome while it lasted but since you want to be so smart, it's best we go our separate ways," Thomas added, staring straight at me.

His gaze was direct and I couldn't read any emotion on his face. I couldn't tell if he was as sad as I was, hearing his conclusion on our relationship. The only thing I was sure of was that he was serious. We were truly at the very peak of our relationship and we were plunging off hard.

"Wait, Thomas," I stared at him as more tears slid down my cheeks, "I'm sorry."

I didn't want to lose him, ever. What would be of me then, if he wasn't by me anymore?

"I'm sorry for saying you cheated. It's my fault. I'm to be blamed," I sniffled.

"How long am I going to keep overlooking your faults?"

"I'll make it work, Tom. I'll change!"

"And how are you going to change the fact that you cheated on me?"

"I didn't... I didn't cheat," I said.

Thomas clenched his jaw and looked away for a second, then stared back at me.

"I'm tired of you," he landed.

My chest deepened. Not having the heart to look into his eyes, I lowered my head. My eyes hurt terribly and my vision was nothing to write home about.

The silence that came after Thomas spoke was deafening. I could hear the air conditioning as it blew cold air on my burning skin and the engine as it softly vibrated the vehicle.

"I'm tired of you," he repeated, like he purposefully wanted to break my heart even more.

"I can't do this anymore," he continued, "I can't trust you anymore, not with how you lied to me and what I witnessed. My decision still stands. It's over between us."

"Thomas," I softly said.

"Don't call my name," he replied at once, "Only having you next to me right now makes me want to puke. Just leave. Get out of my car."

Tears streamed from my eyes without constraint as I clung to my chest, "Please don't do this to me."

I held onto his lap with my free hand as more tears trickled down my cheeks.

Please. Please, don't leave me!

"You're a fucking clown. You know that, right?" He grabbed my hand and violently threw it off him, "Get the fuck out of my car while I'm still being nice!"

I stared into his eyes, looking for that loving gaze they usually held when he stared at me. It wasn't there. Thomas wasn't going to pull me back at the last minute to hug me, he wasn't going to tell me that it was a prank and that he loved me. He had already discarded that loving gaze since he had decided to break up with me. This was the end of our love story.

With whatever was left of my dignity, I slowly got out of the vehicle. I stared at him one last time with my watery eyes.

"Fucking dimwit," I heard him cuss out as he slammed the door shut himself.

Knowing that it would be the last time I'd ever see him, spears of anguish pierced into my heart. I didn't want him to leave just yet. I didn't want him to leave at all.

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