new plans

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<>mk pov<>

its been 4 weeks since jamie came by my apartment.

3 weeks since the ducks season ended.

1 week into the playoffs for dallas.

and 1 week since i missed my period.

i am now sitting on my bathroom floor, terrified to look at the pregnancy test sitting on the counter.

when jamie was here, we made up & hooked up...a couple of times.

definitely not proud of the make up sex we had.

the timer went off minutes ago, but i had no motivation to look at the test.

if i am pregnant; how do i tell jamie? how do i tell my parents? my sisters? my job? how do i tell trevor that his best friend got me pregnant?

who do i start with first? 

as if on queue jamie starts facetiming me.

i answered it knowing that he'd see the anxiety on my face.

"hey MK, hey you good?"

"we gotta talk." i said

"alright, well im home alone so, lets talk."

i paused, the words not forming to say what i need too, "do you miss me?"

he probably thinks i cheated on him.

wait were not even dating, how could i cheat. unless we are kinda dating now, but i think were more of talking.

yeah, i think were in the talking stage.

"yeah and i really wish that you where here right now." i cried.

"whats wrong?"

oh, buckle in jamie.

"jamie, i think im pregnant. i missed my period and-im so sorry." i cried

"you think you're pregnant?"

"i haven't looked at the pregnancy test and im honestly terrified too."

"lets look at it together." he suggested

"how are you not freaking out?" i asked

"i am, im just trying to remain calm for you babe."

"jamie, this is gonna change our lives. i dont know what to do, and oh my god you're gonna leave me if i am pregnant."

"red," he said, making my heart happy to hear him say that again "i know that i screwed up when you lived here but you living in dallas has really made me change my mind about how i treat women, and honestly, why the hell did you give me a second chance? why did you let me into your apartment like a month ago?"

i let out a little laugh, "well, me letting you into my apartment got us into this so."

"so why dont you calm down and look at the test."

"if you end this call because im pregnant, i will hunt you down and have trevor cut your balls off." i threatened

"noted. i got you babe, ill be here for you through all of this."

"what are we gonna do if i am pregnant and we live in 2 different states. you play for anaheim and i work for dallas, thats like a 20 hour drive and oh my god." i panicked

"macy-kate. just look at the test that way we can talk and make plans. we cant make plans of we dont know, alright?"

i nodded my head.

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