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Masha Allah indeed you're a very very strong lady Nawwarah and your parents are very lucky to have a child like you.
You're my role model.

Nawwarah:Awwwn thank you.

Journalist: As the founder of afmar orphanages, what problems do you encounter?

Nawwarah:Well alhamdulillah, I don't really encounter any problem. But I must say,it breaks my heart seeing many parentless children.

Journalist:So miss Nawwarah do you have a boyfriend?


Journalist:if I might ask why? You're such a beautiful young lady, the dream of every young guy.

Nawwarah:well you see, the thing is that I don't know what the future holds  and so, I wouldn't want to lead any guy astray or give them hope.
And by the way ,I am happy with the way my life is and I would like it to continue like this.

Journalist:so where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Nawwarah:In jannah insha Allah.

Journalist:Don't say so Nawwarah. The world needs people like you here insha Allah you're going to live a very long life.

Nawwarah :toh ameen. I also wouldn't want to die and leave my parents behind, but if that is what Allah has ordained for me, then i would happily accept my fate.

Journalist :what advice would you give to other cancer patients?

Nawwarah: To every other cancer patient out there, I want you to be strong for yourself and your family and I also want you to know it isn't the end of the world for you.
Forget about what people would say about you. Allah loves you alot. Stay strong and be happy. Live your life to the fullest and cherish every single moment of your life. And please don't overthink yourself and also don't die before your death.
To all cancer survivors, if you ever feel lonely or depressed you can always come to me and I promise I would insha Allah be there for each and every one of you until my last breath.

Journalist :Wow!you really is a very good person Nawwarah. May Allah always be with you and may you live a long and successful life ahead of you.
Before you leave, who is your role model?

Nawwarah :Well I have 2 role models.
My mama and my papa. They Inspire me alot and it is only because of them that I'm come this far. There would be no Nawwarah with her mama and papa.
And so whenever my name is called, there names must also be called.

Journalist: Thank you so much Nawwarah for your time and everything .
We look forward to having you again.

Nawwarah :it's my pleasure.
Thank you too.

With that,Nawwarah bid them goodbye and left.

Nawwarah's pov
            After I left BBC I branched at a nearby mall and then drove to the only place where I find solace, my orphanage home. I already texted my mama and told her I won't be coming home early ao she shouldn't worry about me.
      Immediately my car drove into the orphanage gate, some little children ran towards my car.
I opened my arms for them and they hugged the life out of me. These children are my little loves, they're all I have. They are like the younger siblings i never had and also like the children I'm never going to have.
       I squatted to their level and was asking them how they were and they  replied with fynnnn alhamdulillah.
       We went into the orphanage together and met the rest of the children.
      I hugged each of them one by one and then I told them I had a surprise for them. They were so eager to know what it was.
       I and the rest of the workers blindfolded all the  children and we led them to the garden where they would be seeing the surprise I planned for them and I was sure they were going to like it alot because who was I kidding?
     I knew their likes and dislikes.

Writers block happened right here
So we meet in the next chapter to know what the surprise issssssssssss

Likeeeee pleaseeeeeee
I put in alot of effort to write this chapter 🥺
I refused to sleep until I published this chapter.
The least I can get is a vote and comment right 🥺
Yesss I deserve ittttttttt
Enough of me blabbering nuisance


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