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Nawwarah's pov
      Immediately I was in the confine of my room, I removed my clothes  and took a long needed warm bath. I spent almost 2 hours in the lavatory then I performed ablution and came out.
      I dried my hair and applied my body cream. I took my time looking for what to wear and after that, I prayed magribh and  then proceeded to my couch.
     I opened my laptop and saw alot of mails which I don't think I can really reply all. I replied the important one's and left the other's for another time. Then a mail caught my eyes and it looked unprofessional  so I decided to read it and it was as follows:

      Dearest Nawwarah,
          When I learned you were sick and has been hospitalized, my heart went out for you and I kept praying for your recovery and alhamdulillah, Allah has answered my prayers as you're now well. I know you're very strong and that is why you have come this far and I salute you for that.
        I wish you the very best as you travel to Germany and I would keep praying to Allah to cure you for us. I would always be there for you even though you won't know and always remember that Allah is with you in every step of the way.
     Lots and lots and lots of love from me.
                                                   Your lover,

      I must say, I am very shocked right now because who is this person and how does he even know I would be traveling to Germany. It is an anonymous mail and so, I cannot trace the person even if I want to so I brushed it off and continued with my work.
      I made a phone call to the  manager of my orphanage and requested a vedio call with my babies and he said he would in like 5 minutes.
     I set on my projector and waited for their call and 5 minutes later, I saw a face popped on the projector then I started hearing their voices and then boom,I saw all of them seated and immediately they saw me,they were all waving at me with smiles on their faces.
     Hey guys! Who missed me? I missed you guys extraordinarily so very much and with that, we continued chatting with all of them telling me how they missed me and what has been happening while  I was not around. The manager told me how they kept pestering him to take them to the hospital . I promised to spend the next day with them and they were so happy and excited. I waved them goodbye and ended the call.
      I went to  the kitchen and made oat for myself and I sat down in the living room having my oat and scrolling through social media which I hardly do.
I kept scrolling and laughing at some funny stuffs and shaking my head in disapproval at some annoying stuffs.
      I was in the living room and I didn't realize how much time has passed until Aisha came in and she was like "do you even know it's passed midnight and I was like what the hell! I have alot of things I need to do and so goodnight and ooooo,by the way,I would be sleeping with you in your room today and she was like hell nooo and before she realized it, i run towards her room and before she could stop me, i was already inside her lavatory.
      I performed ablution and brushed my teeth then I went into her closet and wore her nightie and jumped right next to her on the bed. I recited my  night du'a and then said this du'a"In amsakhta nafsi fagfirlaha"(if I die today,  forgive me Allah) and surprisingly ,I  fell into a deep slumber without even realizing it.

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