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We had a blast at Six Flags. Everybody piled up into the car, not to mention the two fat bears both Liam and Shane won for me and Claire.

"Liam you didn't have to do that." I smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah I did. It's our son now." He answered, shrugging. Shane smirked at him after hearing that.

"Really now?"

"Oh yeah. And then I'll win another one and a smaller one. Two big brothers to protect the baby girl." Liam shoved our "son" into the trunk.

"Why'd you put our son in the trunk!!" I yelled.

"Sometimes kids needs discipline."

"You are going to be such a bad father Liam." I shook my head as I got into the already heated passenger seat.

"Alright. Favorite rides?" Shelby perked up from the very back row where she was sprawled out across the seat.

"Well mother if you're asking, I loved Medusa." Claire said.

"I liked Wonder Woman. Like a lasso. Woo!" Shane pretended he had a invisible lasso and swung it across the air.

"Same. Wonder Woman's hot too I won't lie." Liam said, yet keeping a straight face.

"You know who's also hot?" I could feel Claire smiling.


"You know I liked The Joker." I cut her off swiftly even though Liam started laughing.

"Yeah definitely hotter than Wonder Woman." Liam looked over at me smirking. Probably because I felt heat rise up from my feet making it's way to my head.

"Get a room. Us single low lifes are always bombarded by you happy couples. I hope you find out your siblings." Claire scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Claire calm down sweetie pie. Momma's here." Shelby patted her on the shoulder.

"Stop calling me sweetie pie! I love pie though."

"Okay pookie." Shelby shrugged.

Everything was silent and we were driving for a few minutes with nobody speaking until Claire decided to open her mouth again.

"Chimichanga is a funny word."

"What are you on?" Shelby slapped the back of her head.


"Leave each other alone. Jesus, it's like watching two toddlers back here. How much longer?" Shane asked.

"Four hours bud." Liam checked the GPS on the dash. Four hours. I then realized that it's because of all the late night traffic.

"I'm hungry!" Claire dragged out the 'y' and became all whiney.

"There's a Cheesecake Factory nearby?" Shelby looked up from the illuminated screen.

Cheesecake Factory is my favorite restaurant. Besides Panera.

"I love that place!"

Liam punched in the directions and drove out the next exit in the direction of cheesecake factory.

"I'll have the butter pasta with parmesan and a strawberry lemonade please." I say to the waiter who comes up to our table. She smiles and writes it down in her little book.

We got a corner seat, or a circle shaped seat, mainly because I suggested it. I love corner seats or circle shaped seats, never understood why but I always did.

"Chicken alfredo for me and Shelby. Thanks." Claire smilied.

"Can I get the bistro shrimp pasta?"


"I guess we're picking off orders tonight aren't we?" Liam snickered.

"Okay I'll be right back with your drinks!" The perky waitress, who I now know as Amelia, walked away.

"She's nice. We should give her a tip." Shelby suggests before all of a nod in agreement.

Everybody was talking and chatting about how Six Flags was fun, Claire talking about Brooke and Mike, Shane talking about hockey with Liam, and me just listening until our food arrived.

The smell of my pasta was too good to resist. I just started eating and eating it. It was delicious.

"Woah slow down princess." Liam stopped my fork from moving and made me look up at him with a stuffed mouth.

"Never mind then. Eat away!" He started laughing at my chipmunk like expression.

"Whaevar Wiam." I said while still chewing on the pasta. This was so yummy. This was also my first meal in two days so it was nice.

"Going back to what I said earlier..." Shane smirked at me.

"No. We are done with that. I told you about the whole family thing already!"

"Well you never said who with."



I already knew I wanted kids with Gi. Hell, all I wanted was a future with her.

"Fine. Gianna. You knew damn well Shane." I flipped him off while he laughed.

"What?" Yay she's awake.

"Jesus, it's like you have selective hearing. When I ask you if you can do your homework you can't hear but when I ask if you want to go out together your screaming and jumping for joy." I say.

She laughs. Her laugh is the type of laugh Ursula would want, the type that's so gorgeous and perfect that everybody wants it.

"Whatever Liam. You act as if you don't either."

"You wanna switch?" Shane offered. I nodded. I was so tired from driving and I honestly just wanted to curl up on my bed and sleep.

We pulled over to the side of the road and me and Shane both switched seats. Obviously Gi didn't want to be up there if Shane was driving so Claire moved up and Gianna moved to the back of the car with me.

"Hey Gi." We were both cuddled up in the back seat with our blankets. Her head was in my lap and she was cuddling up to me. It made me smile.

"Hi Liam. Thanks for today. I had so much fun." She replied wearily. I could tell her eyes were drooping and starting to become heavier and heavier.

"Don't thank me. You deserved it all. Go to sleep baby, you're tired." I kissed her forehead and she nodded before cuddling even more into me and shutting her eyes.

I watched as her chest went up and down like a steady rhythm. She looked at peace and content when she slept. Like nothing could harm her.

She was perfect in absolutely every single way. Her eyes were beautiful like a sunset, her personality made me laugh and brought so much joy to whatever room she entered.

A/N: Something you may not know is that I actually have the chapters prepared in advance, I have about 5 right now in my drafts waiting to be posted so when there aren't A/N's for a certain time of the year (Christmas, New years, thanksgiving etc,) it's because I premade the chapters months in advance :)

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