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Last night was amazing. We all ate dinner, Charlotte ended up sleeping over and Marissa even joined us.

"I can take Char to school Liam." I heard Marissa downstairs. It was seven in the morning people my energy isn't even fully recharged and we're talking already.

"No it's fine. I'll stay home for a few hours it's no big deal." Of course Liam and Marissa are standing in the kitchen, Marissa moving things around on the counter while Liam stands shirtless leaning against the counter.

"You need school Liam for gods sake. I already am taking Rikky so it's no big deal. I'm sure Rikky would love the treat of having Charlotte with us." I could practically smell her rolling her eyes and scoffing at him.

" Marissa-"

"Guys can we not argue it's too early for this." I interrupted. Liam and Marissa both turned their heads to me so fast their heads could've popped off their necks.

"What?" I started munching on a random piece of old bacon on the plate.

"Nothing. Get ready, I am making sure, personally, to get you to school on time." Liam states.

"What about Charlotte? Let her ride with Marissa and Rikky for god's sake Liam."

"You heard that?" Liam questioned.

"No I just have psychic abilities to read minds when I'm asleep."

"Enough with the sarcasm. I am taking Charlotte with me and Rikky. End of conversation." Finally Marissa ends the conversation and I can finish eating my stale bacon.

"Ookay... I'm going to go get dressed." I excuse myself from the counter and walk upstairs to get dressed.

Today was a lazy day yet I wanted to feel pretty. I put on some light purple sweats and a white long sleeves crop top.

Wow I actually looked pretty good compared to other days.

I now had the confidence to even put on a little bit of makeup. I put some black eyeliner on the waterline of my eyes, some black mascara; making sure to spread them out nicely, and a little bit of highlighter. Oh and maybe some lip gloss.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. No eye-bags, I don't look dead, and I kind of look pretty...

My face features aren't that great, I don't have a button or upturned nose, I don't have the body of a goddess like Tiffany, but today I didn't look too bad.

"Gi are you rea-" Liam was walking up to my door when he stopped suddenly, his eyes looking up from his phone.

"Yeah." All of a sudden a rush of heat rose to my cheeks. His eyes stared me down. It's not like I was wearing a dress or anything?

"Wow." He sighed.

"What?" I was unaware of why he was so astonished. It was just sweatpants and a shirt. If anything it was ugly, I felt not ugly though.

"You look beautiful." He says. Does that mean I'm not beautiful everyday? Does that mean he only thinks I'm pretty with makeup? Does-

"Turn those thoughts off." All of a sudden he was standing behind me, leaning down so his chin was leaning on my shoulder. Looking at me through the vanity mirror in front of me.

"You are amazing. Absolutely enchanting Gianna. I don't think you understand how every-time I see you no matter what you never fail to stun me with your beauty." His words seep into my brain. Like a dam being opened and the water spilling out.

"What?" My voice gets high and pitchy all of a sudden.

"Yes you heard me." He gets up, placing another one of his kisses on my head.

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