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Six Months Later

"Charlotte please don't play with that!" I run after her. She's been a lot more sneaky lately and I think it's because Liam has been out a lot.

A lot can change within six months. Like, my mom got married to her boyfriend, surprisingly enough. I've been taking care of Charlotte since Liam works now on top of hockey.

"Gi?" I hear the front door close. Liam must be back.

Liam's been living with me in my mom's house, along with Charlotte since their household isn't exactly the safest for Charlotte.

"In the kitchen!" I yell, out of breath from chasing after Charlotte.

"Lord you can run now." I tickle her and she runs away.

Liam's been fighting for custody of Charlotte. While I have been doing well with my eating disorder. I've started to eat a whole three meals a day, and it's more of myself being proud of me and that's enough.

"Gi!" Liam comes to hug me and sags in my arms.

"I had such a tiring day. I went from a three hours practice to seven hours of work." He rests in my arms and I rub his back.

"Well I can make your favorite for dinner if that'll help?" I offer.

"No I can make you dinner. You make me dinner almost every night, you and your mom." He yawns and gets ingredients to make my favorite pasta and I smile.

"Are you sure? I have literally been home all day."

"Yes I'm a hundred percent sure babe." He kissed my forehead and starts making something simple. I'm not sure what it is though.

"So...how's the court case going?" I ask as we eat salmon and veggies.

"Well I'm trying to gather evidence against my father to make him unfit as a parent." Liam says while he eats his meal. I help feed Rikky since my mom has work until ten tonight.

"So when do we have to go to court?" I ask.

"Something within the next week or so. I was planning on setting the date to this sunday." He looks deep in thought.

I know he's been so stressed this week. He's always been the strong one in our relationship but as time has passed he's gotten worn down more and more. Like his walls are crumbling slowly.

"Whatever day you want it to be. I don't care what day it is, I'll be there for you and Char okay?" I kiss his cheek and he kisses my forehead back.

He stands up and plays the same song we had danced to before in the kitchen. 

"Dance with me? One more time?" He grabs my hand and starts waltzing me around the dining table.

Everything slows down for the two minutes we "waltzed" for. The whole world stopped.

I was focused on Liam and solely Liam in that moment.

His soft smile, his eyes almost sparkling like stars on a clear night sky.

His gaze looking directly into mine. We both know that this woukd be it. It for both of us.

After the song ended, he stopped me and held me.


"Yeah Li."

"You're it for me. You know that right?" He assures me. I didn't know I could fall harder than I already have.

"I do know that. I hope you know that too. If it's not you, it's no one."

He smiles and puts his forehead to mine.

We just sit there and sway for a little bit.

"I promise it'll work out baby. It will all work out." I stroke his hair and kissed it before sitting down.

A/N: guys its the one year anniversary of this book!! So crazy how far this book has gotten. So sad it will be coming to a end very soon but so thankful for this journey! Sorry that this chapter is so short, I just wanted to get it up for the aniversary :)

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