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Her face stays in shock.

"You have been the only one I've had my eyes in for years. Trust me I tried other girls to get my eyes of you but they weren't you. I never thought I was good enough for you, I still don't. But I could never leave you. You've loved me through and through, even when I was a ass. " That took a lot of breath out of me but it wasn't hard to say at all. It came from my heart.

"Damn you are such a softie!" She grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips.

When Gianna touches and kisses me, it's a whole other type of experience. Another type of spark and passion. Her lips are so soft it seems almost impossible.

"I love you too Liam." She pulls back and smiles at me. God and I thought I couldn't have gone softer.

"Your my best friend of course I love you!" She throws her arms around me and I freeze.


"I'm just kidding you should've seen the look on your face I'm so sorry." She kisses me on the cheek and sits back down on the picnic blanket.


When Liam told me he loved me I swear my heart exploded. My body felt warm all of a sudden.

"So what are we now?" I broke the awkward silence.

"Well, if you'll be my girlfriend-" I didn't even let him finish before I ran into his arms.

"I would love to." I smile.

"Thank god because that would've been embarrassing if you said no." He laughs.

Is this really happening? Liam, my best friend just asked me to be his girlfriend?



"Hello?" I picked up my phone after it started ringing and pressed it to my ear.

"Hey it's almost time for friends-giving and you said you were going to be here a hour early to set up! Are you okay?" Shelby's voice filled my ear.

"Right...We're on the way." My smile turns into a frown. I was so excited for friends-giving but now I wanted to stay with Liam.

"We don't have to go." He suggests. But I've been wanting to go for a while plus I promised we'd be there.

"No let's go. We can share the news when we get there!" I say.

This is me and Liam's first dinner together as a couple, nevertheless with all of our friends. 

Liam stands up first and lowers his hand down to help me up.

"Your hand is perfect." He says while holding my hand and walking.

"Really?" I say.

"No I was just saying that because I was bored." He said sarcastically while rolling his eyes and smiling.

"You know I love you." I say while looking up at him.

"Of course. I love you even more Gi." He leans down and kisses my forehead. 

So is this what it's like to have a boyfriend?

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